Cutting a player because of parents

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Oct 19, 2009
I have a friend and his daughter who are going through the same thing as the parent, I’ve watched her play and she is good solid player, above average on this team. The parents have never caused a scene or problem when I was there. The parents were total taken by surprise when they received information the coach had told several people in the community he was cutting the kid because of the parents.

The parents take on this is set down and discuss the problem and look for a solution that is best for the child, the team and the parents. If a solution can not be reached then bring in a third party if possible, a director if recreation, principal if a school. The main concern is not to retaliate against a kid because of the parents.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
I have applied for the head coaching job for next year and if I get it I told my wife there is no way I can take their kid on the team with her parents being involved even if we are short players .

Absoutely. That clown wouldn't have finished the season with me. Might go so far as meeting him at the registration table, pulling him aside and telling him not to bother because 'You and your wife have made your daughter ineligable to play for this team.' Depends on if that or just cutting her after a try out would cause the least drama. Good luck with the situation how ever you deal with it. For sanity and team unity sake, get rid of them.
Oct 18, 2009
Have any of you cut or not taken a player because you have first hand experience on how much grief and drama her parents have caused in the past (as in last season). FWIW.....this is a 12U travel team and the girl is a very polite and social kid but probably in the middle to bottom of the pack in her softball skils.


In youth softball part of the deal when you get a child on your team is their parents. Fair or unfair, sometimes the only way parents will learn that their actions have consequences on their kids is by cutting kids whose parents are intolerable.

Our team had tryouts yesterday. Two stand out players will not be offered spots because their parents are just too much.

Parents - if you have crazy parent tendencies; are a pitchers (or catchers) mom/dad; the best thing you can do for your DD is not be anywhere near the field.
May 7, 2008
I am one of those many former athletes that never thought that I would need to learn to type. I should be able to read, though. ;)
Sep 3, 2009
Parents - if you have crazy parent tendencies; are a pitchers (or catchers) mom/dad; the best thing you can do for your DD is not be anywhere near the field.

As a catcher's dad, I don't have to worry... I'm always overshadowed by the SS's parents.
They're the worst! :p

J/K... know what you mean about the poison parents, seen it ruin a few teams.
Jun 16, 2010
Parents are as integral a part of the team as the players on a travel team.

Know the old saying, when you marry someone ,you marry their family?

Well, when you take a travel player into your "family" you take her parents in too. Its a package deal. And it can be a deal breaker.
Aug 10, 2010
Yes, I have also cut a young lady with a lot of promise- due to a parent who had a drinking problem. Much to the Great embarassment of the daughter- the parent (drunk) would occaisionally come off the bleachers and onto the field to argue with umpires. On more then one occaision I waited at the field for an Aunt/Uncle/freind (Mom was at work) because Dad was too drunk to drive- but I always worried about how he was when he got her. The following year I cut her because of her parent and felt I cut her for her own safety (and my peace of mind) too.
Other than that- if you dont really want to penalize the girl for her parents actions-try speeking honestly to the parents about how coaches feel what the eventual outcome will be. If they choose to move on--so be it. But if not- add specific action/outcome rules to your team rules. Also try having weekly meetings too keep on top of issues as they arise. It will either work out- or they will be asked to leave.

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