When should an umpire just be quiet?

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Jun 8, 2016
I think it is fine to coach when the league doesn't actually need umpires (or to keep score for that matter), 4U t-ball for example..lol.
Mar 10, 2020
Coaches, is it appropriate, especially at the higher levels, to have a quiet conversation with your C about how we (she and I) both know what is going on and all she is doing is taking away my chance to get a good look at where the close pitch actually was?
NO it is not appropriate.
There is no she and you in the game. Umpires having quiet conversations with players borderline creepy. Not to mention that it's selective conversations with only certain players.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
So umpires, when you call an illegal pitch, do you accompany the call with the reason why? Do you wait to be asked why? Do you declare it just loud enough for the catcher to hear, louder for the coach to hear, or even louder for everyone's benefit?
Wait to be asked.

And I call it by the book. Delayed dead ball signals. Verbal that most people can hear it is required by most rule sets.
Jul 19, 2021
Let me be a bit more clear on this point, the catcher is not framing the pitch but clearly pulling it from out of the zone into the zone, then questioning why it is a ball, or HC is asking C where that pitch was and she says, "I dont know, I caught it right over the plate". If the catcher is puling the pitch into the zone, then she, obviously thought it was out of the zone to begin with.

Given that, hopefully, more straight forward statement of what I was talking about: Coaches, is it appropriate, especially at the higher levels, to have a quiet conversation with your C about how we (she and I) both know what is going on and all she is doing is taking away my chance to get a good look at where the close pitch actually was?
The answer is still no. That goes beyond what an umpire is charged with doing. You seem intent on wanting the catcher to know that she is not "fooling" you with her attempts at framing. Let it go. Not your place.
Aug 25, 2019
I did some coaching a few times in junior high games when the coach is the English teacher who was just there so the school can have a team, made no effort to learn the basics of coaching.
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Jun 1, 2015
So umpires, when you call an illegal pitch, do you accompany the call with the reason why? Do you wait to be asked why? Do you declare it just loud enough for the catcher to hear, louder for the coach to hear, or even louder for everyone's benefit?

I will usually just signal the delayed dead ball motion, say "Illegal pitch" loud enough so the batter/catcher can hear, wait for the play to occur, then announce accordingly. IF a coach and/or pitcher asks for an explanation, I'll be glad to handle that AFTER handling the result of the play with respect to the offensive coach (asking if they want the IP penalty or the result of the play, or saying nothing if the batter hits, reaches first, and/or all other runners advance 1 base). I generally won't provide an explanation unless I am asked for one to avoid making a statement in the heat of the moment that I either a.) Get wrong, b.) Word incorrectly, and/or c.) Say/do something that could be used/held against me in the future. "Better to be silent and labeled a fool...."
Feb 13, 2021
Hey @EdLovrich, don’t coach players. Ever.
I totally agree, the question is this: What qualifies as coaching a player? Is it instructing them in technique? Is it Instructing them in rules issues? Both of the above?

If you coach my players, I get to coach you. You won’t like it.
If you are qualified and knowledgeable about rules interpretations and current officiating mechanics and philosophy, I actually would enjoy the opportunity to learn from another perspective. If you are not so qualified, then I certainly hope this statement wasn't some sort of veiled threat.
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Dec 11, 2010
Come on dude. Not a threat in any way.

If you are qualified and knowledgeable about rules interpretations and current officiating mechanics and philosophy,

I’m neither qualified or knowledgeable about officiating. That’s the point. I’ll do my job, you do yours.

Coaches and players want officials. They aren’t looking for a buddy. They aren’t looking for one more person to “tell them what to do”. They don’t need somebody trying to talk to them while they play.

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