Bullet spin rise?

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Jan 28, 2017
DD is working on the rise and will throw one with corkscrew spin and he PC will say stop throwing the college rise ball. LOL
Mar 6, 2018
We'll I'll say this he isn't one that asks her to come back monthly. He'll give feedback and say work on this and master this or don't come back until you have. See you in a few months.

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Mar 6, 2018
Yeah i just didn't want to sound like he was downplaying any d1 pitcher that isn't his and isn't throwing full back spin. Nor was he saying it was ineffective.

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Mar 6, 2018
That's not bad mouthing, that is plain truth.
Yeah i just didn't want to sound like he was downplaying any d1 pitcher that isn't his and isn't throwing full back spin. Nor was he saying it was ineffective.

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Mar 6, 2018
hehe, paid instructors
We'll I'll say this he isn't one that asks her to come back monthly. He'll give feedback and say work on this and master this or don't come back until you have. See you in a few months.

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Sep 3, 2015
My daughter's pitching coach made a comment about the rise ball the night before this thread started. My dd wants to learn it (10) and asked him to teach her. He was hesitant and told her that's the toughest pitch to learn. He commented that there are only about 7 girls in division 1 right now that can throw a true riseball. He said he could name them all. My daughter mentioned Garcia after watching ucla play and he said she throws more of a corkscrew type ball and not true rise. He mentioned barnhill throwing it correctly. I won't mention his name as he wasn't trying to bad mouth any girl. He was mostly trying to explain to my daughter that it's a tough pitch to learn at any age especially at 10. He made a deal with her, that if she could do one of his drills for it he'd start her on it. Told her it could take a year or 2. She's obsessed with it now. Im just commenting here because of the timing of the discussion.

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It took my DD a year and a half before she threw the rise in games, so the fall of 2nd year 12s (when you play 14s). It's now her best pitch and not many can hit it. She learned it from one of the best. PC says you have to throw at least 55 for it to be effective. He prefers a little curve on it, but DD doesn't usually throw it that way.

Wind in the face of the pitcher makes for a great riseball day.

Here is a decent one from last week

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Last edited:
Jul 22, 2015
Someone posted on the forum at one time (may have been Java) that they teach their students from the beginning how to achieve each type of spin (rise, curve, drop, etc) from typical warm-up drils, but don't necessarily tell them they are learning a pitch. They just want them to be able to achieve the spin. As they are ready they introduce the pitch in full motion using the spin they have already been working on for some time. Really makes sense to me now. Wish we had done that from the beginning.


Physics & Baseball
Feb 21, 2014
i'm a slow pitch pitcher and i use a yawed bullet spin to achieve a slow pitch curve... check this video out and see what you think... this is another way to induce the magnus force... i've posted this in here before but most of you thought i was crazy... i'll leave you to decide for yourself if this answers your question or not... if the spin is directly in line with the direction of the ball then there is no magnus force... but if the spin axis is lower than the direction of travel... then this will 'rise'... in my opinion... :cool:

plus you can check out rachel garcia'.s pitches and see how the direction of the yaw determines the direction the magnus force is created...


Sorry, but I have to disagree with you. If the spin axis is below the direction of the ball, then the Magnus force will be sideways, not up/down. It really isn't a matter of opinion. It's a matter of physics.

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