Getting recruited without playing HS ball

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Jun 11, 2012
Would it be worthwhile saying that she didn't want her skills impacted by his improper instruction?
I wouldn’t recommend it.
I certainly don’t disagree with why she feels the way she does but finding a way to deal with the adversity and rise above it will make her look a whole lot better to a college coach than calling her high school coach out.
If she doesn’t play high school and a college coach asks she’s better off saying something like she is using that time to take private lessons to become a better catcher or something.
But before she quits she should try talking to the coach and see how that goes.
Feb 21, 2017
I would not do anything abrupt this season and just ride it to the end. I can relate to the moron coach and your daughters frustration. DD1 played her first full varsity game last week (as Sr.) and is committed to a regionally ranked college team (only committed player on HS roster), so not playing HS won't matter. Next season reevaluate and think about track or something. You can easily say you wanted to work on speed and fitness and that she gets plenty of softball from travel.

My 2 cents to her this season is act stupid, "oh I forgot" or "I am working on it" and just keep doing what she does during games. In reality when she tosses someone out at 2B he will all jacked about her great play and more important his excellent coaching.
May 15, 2016
In reality when she tosses someone out at 2B he will all jacked about her great play and more important his excellent coaching.

Thanks I needed the laugh!

I wouldn't do anything abrupt this season and just ride it to the end.

She knows the importance of riding it out. Besides, she really likes many of the girls on the JV team. They don't know the game, but she has a good time being with them.
Ironically he just texted her, to play the next two varsity games, though she figures she will be playing left bench. Happened last time he called her up.

Next season reevaluate and think about track or something. You can easily say you wanted to work on speed and fitness and that she gets plenty of softball from travel.

Great suggestion. She had already been thinking about track.
Mar 28, 2014
I am not optimistic he is open to suggestions, he knows best about everything.
Having nothing to do with softball, at the end of a practice early in the season my car needed a jump. The JV coach offered his car for the jump. I had set up the cables between the two batteries. He walked over and announced I had set it up wrong, pulled the negative cable off of the engine block, and put it on the negative terminal. I considered telling him to back off, but didn't want to create a scene with him.
Unfortunately that is the case with a lot of coaches that have been doing it their way for a long time. They are completely closed off to new methods or even the suggestion of new methods. "It worked for me back in 1994 when I took that team to the State Championship so it must be the right way to still do things", completely forgetting that today's kids are not the same as kids were 20 years ago.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Unfortunately that is the case with a lot of coaches that have been doing it their way for a long time. They are completely closed off to new methods or even the suggestion of new methods. "It worked for me back in 1994 when I took that team to the State Championship so it must be the right way to still do things", completely forgetting that today's kids are not the same as kids were 20 years ago.
Just out of curiosity, how are they not the same kids?
Nov 18, 2013
She hasn't talked the coach yet.

How can you make all these assumptions if she hasn't talked to her coach yet? A polite discussion about how her private coaches have a different method should resolve all issues.

If she makes it on a college roster she's going to have a lot of coaches telling her to do things differently than she was taught. If she's not receptive she can forget about ever seeing the field.

Hope everything works out well whatever you both decide.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Heh. Hopefully, some of them have graduated by now.
LOL, poor choice of wording. What I meant to ask was how have kids changed. I believe that the comment Texasheat made was directed at me and a quote I made earlier. So, I'm willing to find out just how wrong I am but first I need to have some type of basis for how kids have changed.

I typed a huge boring response for the rest of this post but have deleted it. Long story short, I admit I'm an old man. However, there are people on this site who know me personally and can vouch for what I coach and how I coach. They can vouch for my reputation in this area and nationally as a hitting coach.
May 15, 2016
How can you make all these assumptions if she hasn't talked to her coach yet? A polite discussion about how her private coaches have a different method should resolve all issues.
His reputation proceeds him. He has been the varsity coach for over 20 years and the stories of his intransigency are well known

If she makes it on a college roster she's going to have a lot of coaches telling her to do things differently than she was taught. If she's not receptive she can forget about ever seeing the field.

It's his lack of knowledge about the game that gives her reason to doubt his advice. When she joined the new organization last fall, with a great reputation, she had every reason to trust what she was being taught, and had no problems adapting.
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