You make the call. Umpire for the day!

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Nov 14, 2011
We just returned back from our spring break softball trip from Illinois to Pensacola Florida. During our final game last night we had a play that was weird and I wanted to see what you think the call was.

(Disclaimer - We won the game so the play in question isn't a factor in the game.)

Play in question:

Runner on first. 1 out. Batter squares up to bunt and pops the bunt up in the air between pitcher and 1B. Runner on 1st takes off to 2B (it was a hit & run play). The batter runs directly to first base and is in the baseline. There is no orange bag on this diamond and she runs directly to the base. The pitcher makes an awesome play by stretching out and caught the ball before hitting the ground. Base runner on 1st sees that the play is an out and attempts to return to 1B. The batter continues to run to 1B because she doesn't know the ball was caught. The pitcher makes a poor throw to 1B from her knees and pulls the first basemen off the bag and the batter and first basemen collide on the baseline.

What is the call?

I will wait for some answers before I tell you what they called.
Jun 22, 2008
Based on your description of the play not sure I have anything but a live ball.
May 7, 2008
I've got nothing. Two down and a runner at 1st base.

And if I am coaching defense, I instruct the P not to try and make that throw and the first baseman not to even try to catch that ball - because she is going to get whacked by the base runner.
Apr 17, 2012
Was there a reasonable chance 1st catches the ball? Interference ? Just playing angels advocate to the other two
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Interference by a retired player. That's the only thing I can think might be called off the top of my head.
If this was called, the BR closest to home would be out also making her the third out. Inning over.

Edit to Add: I agree with Comp. From the description of the play, no call, play on. Then again, it's one of those judgment calls.
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Dec 3, 2012
I'm going to guess that the runner would be called out due to interference with the first baseman. The only reason I'm guessing this way is because I saw a similar situation one time where the batter/runner was out going to first base and was called out for interference because she wasn't running between the two lines to first base (the safety lane?).

I'm curious to see what the call was.
Feb 3, 2011
As described, no call, play on. Definitely no INT on the B-R. She was in the running lane attempting to beat a throw. There's no way for her to know that a poor throw is going to draw the 1st baseman into the lane, nor would she be responsible for avoiding a throw.

Defensively, I'm congratulating our pitcher and 1B for attempting to make something happen.
Mar 13, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
The pitcher makes a poor throw to 1B from her knees and pulls the first basemen off the bag and the batter and first basemen collide on the baseline.

This right here makes me visualize F3 suddenly and unavoidably moving into the path of the runner to go after the off-line throw. When that happens, the runner isn't at fault. They aren't expected to make a split second adjustment to avoid a fielder that is, essentially, unavoidable.

I'll go with the "no call" on this one, too.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
I'm calling obstruction on the D, based on past experiences. For me and our team, it seems as though any incidental contact that occurred has always gone against the defence. Especially in this case because the poor throw has pulled f3 into the base path.