Would U hire me to coach HS Softball (JV or Varsity)??

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Jul 14, 2010
At my DD's high school, I imagine the hiring interview went something like this:

Q: "Are you breathing?"
A: "Yes"
Q: "You're hired."
Aug 13, 2013

If you are trying to be a Head Coach then the questions are tougher:

  • What is your vision for our softball program and how do you intend to build a program?
  • Parental Communication is important to this district. Can you supply us with a communication plan or examples of parental contacts from your Head Coaching experience?
  • What is the role of academics in your program? How do you intend to help our student athletes?
  • Could you provide several examples of your past practice plans?
  • Our district, like most districts throughout the state, is experiencing financial difficulties. Could you give me an example of a fund raiser that you have supervised that was successful?
  • What is your position on a Parent Meeting prior to the beginning of the season?
  • How familiar are you with the state guidelines for in season and out of season coaching of your sport?
  • Can you provide an example of a press contact promoting your program?

I could go on. Good Luck getting that job.

o What is your vision for our softball program and how do you intend to build a program?
o My vision for the program is not only to win and to teach the players the correct fundamentals of the game but to help the players become responsible young adults. I intend to work with the Little League program to help strengthen and build my program and to use the Head Softball Coach at Dowling College, who is a former player of mine, to run some clinics.
o Parental Communication is important to this district. Can you supply us with a communication plan or examples of parental contacts from your Head Coaching experience? Yes. I have a parent meeting within the 1st week of practice to set the groundwork for my expectations and to answer any questions. At this meeting the player contract will be given out and gone over. I will go over my ’24 Hour’ rule at this meeting also. My player contract is
o What is the role of academics in your program? How do you intend to help our student athletes? Academics are very important to me and I shoot for my team to be an All Academic team! I am constantly asking my players how they are doing in school and if there is anything I can do to help them. If a players needs to stay for extra help and come to practice late then that is fine with me and I let them know that all the time. Also telling them to use the time they spend in Study Hall or even on the bus to do school work is very important
o Could you provide several examples of your past practice plans? Yes, I have included sample practice plans in the small portfolio I have provided for you to keep.
o Our district, like most districts throughout the state, is experiencing financial difficulties. Could you give me an example of a fund raiser that you have supervised that was successful? I have run car wash fundraisers and I have done fundraisers at Applesbees. The Applebees fundraiser netted my travel team 700 dollars while a Super Bowl pool fundraiser netted my team 500 dollars
o What is your position on a Parent Meeting prior to the beginning of the season? Answered earlier!
o How familiar are you with the state guidelines for in season and out of season coaching of your sport? I am familiar with them and I carry a rule book with me
o Can you provide an example of a press contact promoting your program?


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
You keep talking about "building the softball program" and "winning". Those are great, but you never seem to discuss the value of team sport participation for the kids and the school. The team should be good, but that isn't why the school has a softball team (or basketball or tennis or football).

With due respect, you are overlooking the simple reality of school sports...most kids never really "play".
Take football...there are 60 kids on the team, and only about 20 play. How about the other 40? Why are they there? Why does a school spend money for uniforms, coaches, etc.? Is it simply so that those 40 kids can watch the game from the sidelines?

Another way to phrase the question, "Suppose you have 15 kids on your Freshman roster. We all know that only 10 or 11 kids really play. The kid probably will never play after her freshman year. Why should the 15th kid on your Freshman roster be on your team? What does that kid get out of being on that team?"

The top three kids on your varsity team love the game, so it is pretty easy to justify the program for them. It takes a little more thought to figure out why the bottom three kids need a softball program.

Every kid in your program deserves to have a rich, meaningful experience participating in team sports. The real reason behind sports is to promote team work, leadership, physical fitness, discipline, responsibility, etc.

I'm sure you know this...but you need to communicate to the AD that you realize the reason behind sports.
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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
You keep talking about "building the softball program" and "winning". Those are great, but you never seem to discuss the value of team sport participation for the kids and the school. The team should be good, but that isn't why the school has a softball team (or basketball or tennis or football).

With due respect, you are overlooking the simple reality of school sports...most kids never really "play".
Take football...there are 60 kids on the team, and only about 20 play. How about the other 40? Why are they there? Why does a school spend money for uniforms, coaches, etc.? Is it simply so that those 40 kids can watch the game from the sidelines?

Another way to phrase the question, "Suppose you have 15 kids on your Freshman roster. We all know that only 10 or 11 kids really play. The kid probably will never play after her freshman year. Why should the 15th kid on your Freshman roster be on your team? What does that kid get out of being on that team?"

The top three kids on your varsity team love the game, so it is pretty easy to justify the program for them. It takes a little more thought to figure out why the bottom three kids need a softball program.

Every kid in your program deserves to have a rich, meaningful experience participating in team sports. The real reason behind sports is to promote team work, leadership, physical fitness, discipline, responsibility, etc.

I'm sure you know this...but you need to communicate to the AD that you realize the reason behind sports.

Ray, we disagree on the first point of your post but I have highlighted some outstanding comments we do agree and which Coach Tucc needs to address.
Aug 13, 2013
Ray, we disagree on the first point of your post but I have highlighted some outstanding comments we do agree and which Coach Tucc needs to address.

1) If I have a freshman team, then all 15 are playing so that they improve in their skills and do now ant to quit after a year.
My vision for the program is not only to win and to teach the players the correct fundamentals of the game but to help the players become responsible young adults. I intend to work with the Little League program to help strengthen and build my program and to use the Head Softball Coach at Dowling College, who is a former player of mine, to run some clinics.
Aug 13, 2013
I never heard of a player contract in HS ball.


1. I will make all practices and games and fundraisers. Failure to make a practice or a game will lead to not playing the following game. If I cannot make a game or a practice, I will call the head coach to let him know. (Justified excuses from practices-sickness and religious activities which include attending family religion events).
2. Practices/Scrimmages/Games will occur during Spring Break so if you go on vacation, Rule #1 will be applied.
3. I will be on time for all practices and games. If I have to stay for extra help I will only be excused from being late if I come with a note from the supervising teacher. Being on time lets me warm up properly and helps me be ready for a great practice or game. If you are consistently late for a practice, then you will not be able to be considered to start the next game! If you are going to be late, you must call/text the coach.
4. I will listen to the coaches when they are instructing so I, the player, can optimize my learning of the skill being taught.
5. If I am unsure of something, I will ask a coach.
6. I will not use foul language. Doing so will lead to an automatic benching.
7. I will not abuse any equipment including my own (throwing gloves and bats, kicking things). Doing so will lead to an automatic benching!
8. I will strive to improve in all aspects of the game and will always do my best.
9. I will always use good sportsmanship and always support my teammates.

1. I will not come to the bench to talk to my daughter during a practice/game so that she can fully focus on the practice/game. Doing so will lead to your daughter not playing.
2. I will not talk to the coaches during a game or a practice.
3. I will always encourage my daughter and the other players on the team.
4. I will root for my daughter and the team.
5. I will not speak in a derogatory way about other players on the team or the opposing team. Doing so will lead to your daughter being benched.
6. I will not yell at the umpires over a bad call. Doing so will lead to your daughter being benched.
7. I will not use profane language while talking to the coach.
8. I will observe the “24 hour rule” if I need to talk to the coach.


1. I will always have a practice plan in place.
2. I will give as much one to one instruction as possible and as needed.
3. I will always encourage the players.
4. I will also observe the “24 hour rule”.
5. I will not scream or yell at any player but talk to them, on the side, one to one.
6. I will not miss any practice or games.
7. Lastly, please note that the coach is 80% deaf in his left ear which causes him to talk loudly so please realize that I am not yelling. Thanks!

1. Learn proper fundamentals of the game of Softball which include:
a) Fielding
b) Hitting/slapping/bunting
c) Situational Defense (what to do when)
d) Throwing
2. Self-Responsibility
3. Improve in all Aspects of the Game
4. Play hard no matter what the score
5. Have fun at all times!!

Coach Signature__________________________________

Player Signature___________________________________

Parent Signature_____________________________________

Jan 25, 2011
Good luck with that in HS ball, TB yes, but HS ball, I don't think so! So what happens in rule #4, when the player knows more then the coach?

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