"Woah! She hits hard!"

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Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
"I wanna hit hard like her!!" said the little boys (approx 8-10 years old) in cage next to DD's at her hitting/pitching lesson last night. :) Coach said "It's gotta make your day when a bunch of boys say that to you." LOL!
Dec 19, 2012
I take my dd to the batting cages and she hits in the 80mph baseball lane. It's the lane that best simulates the actual speed she sees in games. At first the boys would make fun of her and make fun of her "skinny" bat, but they shut up shortly after they realize she's hitting every pitch with authority. The last time I took her there, when she walked into the lane to hit a boy starts to point at her and say something, but his friend grabbed his arm, pushed it back down, and said to him "watch".

Dec 11, 2010
We have indoor winter practice in a large high roof room with a huge curtain that divides the practice are in half. More than once the coach of the 10ish boys bb team looked frustrated as he closed the curtain because all the boys were stopped dead in their tracks watching the 11 and 12 year old girls bashing balls in the cages. It's so funny to see, they look very much in awe and very much confused. Yes, priceless.
Oct 22, 2009
When my dd was 10 her brother was 12 and during his tournaments we'd go to the batting cages and work on pitching, once she attracted a few boys that were amazed at how fast she was throwing and they were making comments about it.

I then told them, "Wait till you see her throw overhand", and their eyes just got huge and they walked away. It was pretty funny.

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