Which is best scoring App

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Jun 23, 2013
In the past we've had a second coach manually track our pitchers effectiveness with various pitches, and called locations, but we've never been able to track actual locations.

It may be a good project to attempt during our fall season...

I'm sure there is a bucket dad around that would be willing to do it for you, if the coaches can't. Personally, I enjoy doing it, although I had to miss a few games this year due to schedule conflicts (coaching my son's Cal Ripken team). For those games, the stats were limited to balls and strikes. Unfortunately, iScore does not categorize strikeout pitches and location, first pitches and location, pitches that were hit, etc. (At least I don't think it does.) However, I have taken the time to manually examine the at-bats of our opposition, especially the better hitters, so as to help my DD get an understanding of the mental aspect to pitching. She now knows what not to throw to certain girls and where to locate on them. In our last tournament, having that information definitely made a difference and gave her an edge.
Mar 13, 2010
I love iscore. So easy to use.

I still use the paper book though. Partly because I have to (scoring in Aus still requires both and I don't see that changing) What happens if everyone losses the skill and then the ipad breaks? It's a good skill to have and if you can't do it you can't read it.
Dec 2, 2012
(scoring in Aus still requires both and I don't see that changing).

Sounds like Aus has an active department of redundancy department as well. :)

We strive to be as accurate and complete as possible with our stats, and have not missed an inning in three years. That being said with over one hundred games played per year, missing one game because of a freak accident, or an equipment malfunction would not be catastrophic.

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