Which is best scoring App

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Mar 18, 2013
I use iScore and like it pretty well. You will probably find that most use of us that use a scoring app use either iScore or GameChanger. Actually, I have both but once I had gotten over the initial learning curve I just stuck with iScore. Why not try both and see which you prefer?
Jun 23, 2013
I use iScore for all my 10U DD's games. The only drawback I've found is occasionally we play "B" teams and our girls tear the cover off the ball. The progression of the game tends to move faster than this tech-challenged old man can enter it into the iPad in those instances. But when we are playing against other good teams, it works great. When we play the lesser teams, I just write everything out with pad and pencil and enter it when I get home.
Jun 20, 2012
I've been using Gamechanger for a few seasons now and I like it. I've never used iScore, but I'm sure if I had started using iScore first, I'd be saying the same thing about that one.

My one beef is that you have to be careful when out in the heat, as I've encountered a few instances where the iPad overheats and decides it needs to take a nap in the middle of the game. Other than that, Gamechanger is getting pretty good at rolling out improvements to the app.
Dec 2, 2012
More people locally use GameChanger because it appears to be easier. That was my assessment 3 years ago, so I used Gamechanger for a couple of seasons. Then the price for the team to use Gamechanger increased to a point that we started to look for something else. 12 player's families spending money on access fees ran several hundred dollars per season with 2 seasons per year. Since that time, Gamechanger has migrated from season to monthly or annual pricing, but the total cost for the team or the families remains substantial, which is money we would rather spend on another tournament each season, or on beer for the coaches Sunday night :)

iScore costs a total of $9.99 one-time for the App, and fans can "view" the live ScoreCasts of all games with a simple browser at no cost. If you choose to utilize the team website option, and additional $19.99 (for the entire team) a year will get you a site that is linked to all of the iScore stats and can be built out with additional functionality.

After using iScore for the past two seasons, I would not go back to Gamechanger, even if pricing were similar. iScore is exceptionally robust and capable which has handled every possible quirk that has happened during the last two season.

The hardest part of the transition from paper to electronic scoring is getting teams in and lineups correct during a tournament against new teams where you play back to back to back games.... Sometimes the first inning is a frantic attempt to catch up.

The first year of electronic scoring I kept a paper scorebook in my bag...just in case. I never used it, and now can't even find it. Pencils and paper scorebooks are going the way of buggy whips and pay phones. Now if we could get power outlets in the dugouts so battery life becomes a non-issue........

The issue with overheating is real. To overcome the problem we've learned to remove the iPad from the padded case so air can get to the unit. On extreme days with no shade, I've used an ice-pack against the back of the iPad to avoid the problem.
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Jun 23, 2013
The hardest part of the transition from paper to electronic scoring is getting teams in and lineups correct during a tournament against new teams where you play back to back to back games.... Sometimes the first inning is a frantic attempt to catch up.

That's the truth. It took me a few games and severe frustration before I realized there were things that could be added/amended between innings or even after the game was scored, if necessary. I think iScore is well worth the 10 bucks once you get the functionality down. Do you also track pitch type and location? Or just keep it simple with balls and strikes?
Dec 2, 2012
..... Do you also track pitch type and location? Or just keep it simple with balls and strikes?

I only record balls and strikes..... mostly because I'm usually scoring games from the dugout so tracking pitch locations would be very challenging. I think if one were scoring from behind home plate it would still be very challenging to keep up during a fast-paced game unless someone was sitting next to you assisting by calling locations and pitch type if you got behind.

In the past we've had a second coach manually track our pitchers effectiveness with various pitches, and called locations, but we've never been able to track actual locations.

It may be a good project to attempt during our fall season...
Jul 28, 2008
Gamechanger did have more stats until iScore updated their app, they both have more stats than you'll ever need. Choose which ever one you are comfortable with.

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