When is TB enough without REC??

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Jan 31, 2014
North Carolina
This thread and the dig about it being a female thing is just ridiculous gossip and sexist. You wonder why no one can get away from this BS. I vote no on the whole thing. OP: Please rethink your attitude about gender; we have enough issues in life as it is. You could have made your point without the gender dig. Thank you.

Huh? Is this posted on the right thread?
Oct 22, 2009
This thread and the dig about it being a female thing is just ridiculous gossip and sexist. You wonder why no one can get away from this BS. I vote no on the whole thing. OP: Please rethink your attitude about gender; we have enough issues in life as it is. You could have made your point without the gender dig. Thank you.

Huh? Is this posted on the right thread?

Probably. OILF could post this same response to any other thread and it would make just as much sense as anything else they have posted in the past.:confused:
May 24, 2013
So Cal
This thread and the dig about it being a female thing is just ridiculous gossip and sexist. You wonder why no one can get away from this BS. I vote no on the whole thing. OP: Please rethink your attitude about gender; we have enough issues in life as it is. You could have made your point without the gender dig. Thank you.

Missed again, OILF. The only "dig" is the one you conjured up in your head. The OP made a statement about who is making the team decisions based on what is known about that particular individual. It's not a gender issue. You're trying to create an issue where one doesn't exist....again. Does your complaint change when you realize the OP is a woman?

As for the actual topic at hand...

We had a slight overlap between rec and TB, and did our best to fit TB games and practices between our commitment to the rec team. It was too much. It has been a huge relief to be done with rec. That said, despite being a dominating 10U player in our rec league, my DD did learn a lot in her final season about being a leader and elevating the level of her whole team. It was a worthwhile experience, but it's time for her to move on.
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May 6, 2012
It a personal choice for your DD. I have been against Rec ball for some time because my hometown is the same way stacked teams for the guy who runs the softball side so he can add a trophy to his wall. Mind you this has happened with two different guys running LL. My niece played her last two years just because she wanted to play with friends I kept reminding her she is above there level and will have to carry her team she know that going in and still did it but stopped When carrying the load out weight the fun of the game. My DD has just played what I hope is her last LL season for the same reason she got talked into it and then was thrown into the "Leftover" team just because they need one more player to make a 3rd team.

My advise is to ask her what she wants if she wants to stay in then let her and go and support her and encourage her. Don't force her our of rec ball let her make her own way out. Sometimes girl treat it like sand lot ball and it keeps the game fun for them. And to make it to college ball the game has to stay fun of she will get burned out and never get the chance.
Oct 2, 2012
on the Field
Our transition from REC to TB was pretty smooth. Our REC league had travel teams for every age in the summer and we made the 10U team. It allowed girls at the upper skill level to see if travel was for them. We loved it and never looked back. Once you make the move to full travel in our area, rec tends to be frustrating at best. Once you get to 12U, middle school ball starts which usually means the travel season doesn't start until later. My daughter does not play middle school (homeschooled) and still didn't want to play rec even though our time would have allowed it. I say all this to say, once you go full travel and start improving, rec looks more and more less appealing. Good luck and do what what your kid wants to do at this age.
Nov 18, 2013
This thread and the dig about it being a female thing is just ridiculous gossip and sexist. You wonder why no one can get away from this BS. I vote no on the whole thing. OP: Please rethink your attitude about gender; we have enough issues in life as it is. You could have made your point without the gender dig. Thank you.

I've been a strong advocate for womens issues in regards to athletic opportunities for years. Gender discrimination is a huge issue, even in girls fastpitch. Statements such as these do absolutely nothing to correct that. You're just validating misconceptions that everything is fine and people that complain are nuts.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
DD left Rec at 11 and never looked back, but here Rec only plays 16 games. First year of TB was something like 70 for Spring+Summer alone.

Sounds about right. DD played 18 rec games this spring (including league tournament). By the time our first month of full-time TB is complete next weekend, she will have played about the same amount.

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