What size Kryo should we get!

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Jun 22, 2024
Central texas
I have a legitimate question for you. How does an 8 year old know about a brand new bat model?

When my daughter started, about the same age as yours, she wasn't all, "I need XYZ bat, Daddy." She started with a "low level DeMarini" and moved to Xenos then a Mantra before the knob sheared off, weirdly enough.

After that, and she was 12, she started went with an LXT and that is now her bat of choice. She has tried Ghosts and Warstics on demo days and had a Meta and quickly went back to the LXT after it broke.

Who wants the Kyro? You, or an 8 year old first year softball player influenced by Tik Tok and Instagram? Has she hit one before?

Loads of girls my DD age use Ghosts. She has hit them and hates them because they don't "feel right. " DD can hit. But, she's explored her options and doesn't just go with the "in" bat. At 8 maybe it doesn't matter but to some extent it should because ultimately money is being spent and outside influences aren't always what is right.

Take her to demo bats, if she hasn't already. She may surprise herself and decide.a brand and model she's not considered before is the "right" one.
This is her choice. I planned on getting her a new bat anyways since we purchased both before used. She is putting forth $250 of her own money from her own business. If she is influenced by tik tok so be it. I told her what I was willing to spend and she has been working hard on getting the money together to get the bat that she probably saw on tik tok. She may very well decide on something different once we go out and look next weekend but it will be up to her to stay in her budget. I overall just want my kid to have fun and if she feels like a high end bat will make her look cool then she will feel good and have fun doing it. I see absolutely no problem with that. 🤷‍♀️
Jun 22, 2024
Central texas
I totally get it. And no offense was intended on my part but I do "keep it real.'

It's great she is helping to pay, even if it is just a marginal amount in the end. It will mean so much more to her and serve her going forward. I don't know everything. But, I know some things. I want you to know, I wasn't trying to belittle you but I certainly didn't want you to make an expensive mistake. We'll, it would be expensive for me, and probably a lot of oth
Jun 22, 2024
Central texas
She's putting forth a large chunk. $250. She has been working very hard because she wants a new bat. I'm proud of her and didn't want her to make a mistake and be stuck with it because I'm not dropping another $200 off a bat. That's why I came for advise! I appreciate the feed back!


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
She's putting forth a large chunk. $250. She has been working very hard because she wants a new bat. I'm proud of her and didn't want her to make a mistake and be stuck with it because I'm not dropping another $200 off a bat. That's why I came for advise! I appreciate the feed back!
My younger daughter has alligator arms. Short arms with deep pockets. She's going into college, and she never offers to buy any of her equipment.
Apr 26, 2019
I overall just want my kid to have fun and if she feels like a high end bat will make her look cool then she will feel good and have fun doing it. I see absolutely no problem with that
Bless your hearts.

I've said here before, I try not to get into people's pockets. Their money or credit is theirs to do with what they wish. I do try and help people make decisions with aspects they haven't considered before.

You, or her hitting instructor, have indicated she needs help with her swing. The funds for a brand new model year bat would be go well towards fixing her swing. Plenty of bats a year or two old, but still great bats, especially at 8 years old, would do just fine. But that is y'all's business. FWIW, being successful and winning is "fun'' but that is maybe just my opinion.

Good luck then. I hope she does well earning her share of the money. Take care.
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Aug 5, 2022
Keep in mind the swing that makes good contact in 8u coach pitch may not make good contact with the same size bat in kid pitch. I’ve rarely seen an 8yo without bat drag and the bigger the bat the more it will drag. Dd is starting her sec journey 5/6 135 33/drop9 lxt and is at the top of the record boards for most lifts in her weight class for her high school. Your child at her age/height should be in the 30 drop 10 range, 31 max if you really insist. DD 2 is 5/4 and just moving from the 31-32 at 13u.

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Nov 26, 2010
So my advice to a parent is usually to find the biggest bat your dd can swing properly and fast. I’m not trying to pile on. But your dd is already not swinging her current weighted bats fast. You want to buy a kyro that’s up to you. But I wouldn’t get one any larger then the ones she has now. Bats aren’t purchased big so they can grow into them.
Aug 23, 2016
When DD was in 10U, I think she went through one bat per season (spring and fall) because she was constantly outgrowing them. We definitely put a price limit on her bats until second year 12U when her growing slowed down and she could keep a constant bat size for a year or more. I would advise not starting to buy the really expensive bats unless you're prepared to buy a really expensive bat every time she outgrows one.

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