What do you think about running at practice?

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Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
Our team just had it's first practice of the fall yesterday and it included a bit of running- not jogging to get loose, but running. It was hot and humid

my opinion has always been that running drills are appropriate for soccer, basketball and other sports, but not the best use of time in a two-hour, once-a-week softball practice. (practicing 3 or more times a week, then I'm ok with running as part of the workout). My beef is they kept yelling at the players about conditioning and diet while this segment of the practice was without benefit unless it was only to get them hot and tired quicker. two kids were taken out during this- not sure why one came out but the other went down with a back problem (maybe would've happened anyway?)

What are your thoughts about the correct way to incorporate running in a practice?

The practice went two hours involved some stretching, running, zero hitting, and was mostly IF and OF with a fair amount of standing around. Not run well. Program director kept barking about all players not being there so the players who were there could take advantage and earn those positions. meanwhile no one was allowed to change positions to try to earn the positions they wanted rather than the positions where they were placed.

it was actually kind of like a tryout which it sort of is- trying to separate the Gold players from the Elite before fall tournaments.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Our team just had it's first practice of the fall yesterday and it included a bit of running- not jogging to get loose, but running. It was hot and humid

my opinion has always been that running drills are appropriate for soccer, basketball and other sports, but not the best use of time in a two-hour, once-a-week softball practice. (practicing 3 or more times a week, then I'm ok with running as part of the workout). My beef is they kept yelling at the players about conditioning and diet while this segment of the practice was without benefit unless it was only to get them hot and tired quicker. two kids were taken out during this- not sure why one came out but the other went down with a back problem (maybe would've happened anyway?)

What are your thoughts about the correct way to incorporate running in a practice?

The practice went two hours involved some stretching, running, zero hitting, and was mostly IF and OF with a fair amount of standing around. Not run well. Program director kept barking about all players not being there so the players who were there could take advantage and earn those positions. meanwhile no one was allowed to change positions to try to earn the positions they wanted rather than the positions where they were placed.

it was actually kind of like a tryout which it sort of is- trying to separate the Gold players from the Elite before fall tournaments.

Based on your description of the events the only running I would suggest is to another program that will afford your DD and others the opportunity to grow. Sounds like you are in for a long season. If a practice session is properly designed and executed, running solely for the purpose of conditioning is not necessary. The best practices are the ones where the players empty the tank leaving the field exhausted and you spend zero time on "conditioning". I get the idea that those in charge lack coaching experience and/or imagination.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
not the best use of time in a two-hour, once-a-week softball practice.

I'm with Riseball. This makes no sense.

To get in shape, a person need to workout for an hour a day 5 days a week. The workout would include aerobic (running, biking, etc.) and weight training. Additionally, you have to monitor the kids to (1) make sure they are doing what they are supposed to do and (2) track progress. If you aren't doing those two things, the kids will never improve.

Lots of HS and college coaches do this in football, volleyball, softball, basketball, and other sports. But, these coaches practice are 5 or 6 days a week, for 3 hours a day. (My DD#3--the hoops player at a D3 school--had about 3 hour practices. First hour was conditioning, followed by two hours of basketball practice. D1 athletes put in much more time.)

As JAD points out in a following post, conditioning is needed for high level athletes. But, running for 30 minutes once a week ain't going to get the job done.
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Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
I get the idea that those in charge lack coaching experience and/or imagination.
the problem is that while there are some very good coaches, the guy in charge and a couple others have the wrong kind of experience and lack imagination. Having some success in the past has reenforced the faulty methods as being correct.


Feb 20, 2012
While softball does not require the conditioning of basketball or soccer, there is something to be said for players who are in shape and are able to play multiple games in a day without tiring. On high level teams conditioning is left up to the players and I agree that you do not want to waste valuable practice time doing something that players should be doing on their own.
Oct 22, 2009
Everything we do in practice is conditioning. There is no specific "conditioning" drills. It is important for players to develop a strong core and base. his can be accomplished without resorting to running just to run.
Nov 26, 2010
Our team just had it's first practice of the fall yesterday and it included a bit of running- not jogging to get loose, but running. It was hot and humid

my opinion has always been that running drills are appropriate for soccer, basketball and other sports, but not the best use of time in a two-hour, once-a-week softball practice. (practicing 3 or more times a week, then I'm ok with running as part of the workout). My beef is they kept yelling at the players about conditioning and diet while this segment of the practice was without benefit unless it was only to get them hot and tired quicker. two kids were taken out during this- not sure why one came out but the other went down with a back problem (maybe would've happened anyway?)

What are your thoughts about the correct way to incorporate running in a practice?

The practice went two hours involved some stretching, running, zero hitting, and was mostly IF and OF with a fair amount of standing around. Not run well. Program director kept barking about all players not being there so the players who were there could take advantage and earn those positions. meanwhile no one was allowed to change positions to try to earn the positions they wanted rather than the positions where they were placed.

it was actually kind of like a tryout which it sort of is- trying to separate the Gold players from the Elite before fall tournaments.

I would be more concerned about the standing around then the running. If nothing else it might get some of the girls off the couch and exercising on off days so they don't feel so crappy running at practice.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
While softball does not require the conditioning of basketball or soccer, there is something to be said for players who are in shape and are able to play multiple games in a day without tiring. On high level teams conditioning is left up to the players and I agree that you do not want to waste valuable practice time doing something that players should be doing on their own.

For my DD the biggest difference conditioning makes is how it allows her to practice longer and harder. If you condition so you can practice a full 3 hours at game speed then the games are easy.
Aug 8, 2010
The only running we do is a slow jog in our stretching phase to warm the muscles up. They get plenty winded in our fielding drills. Very fast paced and no standing around.

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