What do you or your DD want for the Holidays?

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Jan 20, 2010
My 11YO DD wants Kindle books. She wants softball stuff too but she knows I will buy them anyway so she doesn't want to risk a present spot.


Sep 29, 2010
12yo DD wants World Series & World Cup Tickets. 2yo DD wants a "softball helmet & a football".
5mo twins want more attention... I'd like a nap...
Mar 15, 2010
DD: Nose piercing, Palmgard Batting Gloves, iTouch, Vampire Books, Makeup, Clothes
Me: Most important is my Nephew home from Afghanistan safe and sound, after that a Jugs Instant Screen, Jugs Soft Toss, 2011 Camaro 2SS.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
My DD wants a rainbow farting unicorn and an assault rifle (don't ask). I could go for a mute clone of Carmen Electra, a Bugatti, and world peace.



I can set you up with a smith that does a fantastic Hello Kitty themed AK. Pink furniture with a white moly-coat on the metal surfaces. Perfect match for the rainbow farting unicorn. Short of that I have a friend that makes a Kalashnikitty T-Shirt. :D

Merry Christmas
Jan 27, 2010
She wants softball stuff too but she knows I will buy them anyway so she doesn't want to risk a present spot.

12yo DD told me up front when I asked if she wanted a new composite bat for Christmas...no dad you will get me whatever you think will make me play better without me asking. She wants a new phone with unlimited..................

I would like a new 20hp mercury for my duck boat and a set of trailer lights that last more than a few times in the water.
Jan 23, 2009
She got what she wanted last week, a drivers license.

For me, I would like another healthy injury free season with her in the circle (and in the car). We have been fortunate thus far. The same wish goes out to all of you this year, especially for those with DD's who pitch.

Happy Holidays
May 9, 2008
Hartford, CT
My 14 year old DD wants to be 3" taller, hit 60MPH (57-58 now) by summer, and a cell phone.
(I can guarantee #3)
My 12 year old DD wants Uggs (real ones), a new composite bat (not hand me down), and to make the middle school softball team .. pretty sure she is set there.

I want a friends daughter to get better, for my 14 year to hit consistently, for my children to be healthy, for our soldiers to be safe, and for warm/safe shelter for those who are in need ...
..... and for a clean house!
Jul 26, 2010

I can set you up with a smith that does a fantastic Hello Kitty themed AK. Pink furniture with a white moly-coat on the metal surfaces. Perfect match for the rainbow farting unicorn. Short of that I have a friend that makes a Kalashnikitty T-Shirt. :D

Merry Christmas

I've seen those and the hello kitty AR's! I actually thought about it, but I think I'll wait a while. She just moved up from 22L to 22 magnum this year, so maybe next year she'll be ready for the fun centerfire stuff. Her head is always on a swivel when I take her to the range and she sees all the "evil black rifles", and being a cute blond girl, most of the guys are more then willing to let her squeeze off a few rounds. We're in Kalifornia though so I'd have to find someone to install a mag lock before shipping and most places just won't deal with selling custom stuff to Californians due to the paperwork.

I may look for the t-shirt though, thanks for the heads up ;)


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