What can I do with this player?

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Mar 3, 2013
I have a player that is 2 yrs younger than most of the team and she dont give the effort that the others give all of the time. She gets down on her self so bad when she screws up. What can I do to lite a fire under this players u know what? I have told her time and time again If u screw up thats fine just do it wide open.
Dec 1, 2013
Wooster Mass
Involve her team. What the other girls say means a lot especially when she is the youngest. Get them to be supportive and it will help a ton. I have seen younger ones with more talent but because hey are younger they get intimidated, when the older girls are jealous its a real downer. I advise you to pay attention to the attitudes of her teammates. You may not like what you see. If they do nothing that may be as bad. Get them to support her is what id say to start with.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
I had the exact same problem last summer. Two sisters, one was nearly 15 on our second year 14U team while her sister was 12 but closer to 10 mentally. It was a problem from the start. The team never fully accepted her and it caused a lot of bickering in the dugout. She was however an extremely good batter, but with the gap in age, it was never going to work. She has since left my team and moved on. Bottom line here is, if there's a black sheep in your flock get rid of it asap. Otherwise she'll be a target the whole time and focus will constantly need to be redirected. Good luck , James
Mar 3, 2013
It would probably help if she could learn to laugh at herself. Are the older girls all serious?

Well to the most part they are all serious. I dont have any problems with the team not getting along or anything like that. I just want a fire to light under her. She is a good ball player and has a chance to be a great one.
Mar 23, 2010
Well to the most part they are all serious. I dont have any problems with the team not getting along or anything like that. I just want a fire to light under her. She is a good ball player and has a chance to be a great one.

Yeah, just thinking the self-critical girl needs to temper that a bit, so it doesn't drag down her level of effort.

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