What age to start my DD picthing?

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Jan 27, 2011
Los Angeles
As the earlier responses made clear, starting at 8 is fine. However, I think it will be tough to spend a substantial time learning pitching if for three years she doesn't get the chance to put it in practice. Most kids get interested in pitching when they see others in their league do it. Aren't there any leagues with live pitching? ASA leagues normally start live pitching at 7 (possibly without walks).

I agree with EP Dad that it would be good to start with a proper instructor; I know that trying to do it myself I did almost everything wrong. On the other hand, an instructor may expect more of a continuous commitment than an 8yo is willing to make. At that age, my DD was willing to practice pitching during the season, but once the season or all-stars was over, she needed a break (she only started lessons when she was 11). I've seen some kids who killed at 8, due to their intensive practice schedule, but were burned out and quit softball altogether by 12.
May 18, 2009
Our league just implemented the younger girls pitching. It was the best decision the league could've done. There are going to be a lot more pitchers than when the girls start pitching at U-10. That was the goal. When a girl is learning everything in the beginning, over hand throwing, catching, all of it, they seem to pick up the pitching quicker. I think it's the combination of learning an overhand throwing motion at the same time as an underhand motion. Once they are set learning overhand only, I think it's hard for them to implement the windmill.
Dec 22, 2010
I echo the others statements, start now if she shows interest.

My DD wanted to pitch last spring at age 7 on her LL team. The head coach said she was too young. He didn't realize how determined she was! She started taking group lessons last summer and pitched with me as well. She was doing ok, but I didn't have the knowledge to help her develop once she had the basics down somewhat. I got her private lessons with the PC in late winter. What a change! She practiced what she was taught and started throwing with more velocity after only one session. She is now one of two pitchers on her LL team and is doing well.

Best of luck!
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Every player is different but I would encourage you do short sessions, 15 – 30 minutes, let her control it to some extent. At a young age you are better off with multiple short sessions, then a couple long ones.

I have my DD walk off practice with time we have paid for on the clock, just take is slow and make sure she enjoys it.

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