WARM UP Catchers throwing mechanics ?

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May 13, 2023

Catchers throwing mechanics need to be warmed up from the catching position.

Throwing from a catching Crouch includes different throwing nuances that need to be warmed up for accuracy as well warm up the body to prevent injury.

Just as you warm up a team throwing from feet...
( at some point in practice and before games)
Catchers should be warming up throwing from our 3 separate sets of throwing mechanics.
1. Crouch to feet
2. Crouch to one knee
3. and drop to both knees and throw

Encourage catchers to pay attention to warming up their throwing mechanics. Oftentimes see coaches will warm up the team and go into defensive practice grounders and such. Then at a point call the catchers over behind the plate and say okay let's work on our throws. However the catchers haven't been given time to focus on warming up these mechanics.
If your coach is not allowing time... I suggest to catchers...
while you are getting ready to start throwdowns, do atleast a few warm up drills (even without the ball just working the mechanics) on your own reproducing proper mechanics so when you go to throw your body at least has already been given an opportunity to warm itself up.

➡️Mental to physical application of good mechanics helps produce better results!
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May 13, 2023
Even if your coach is not allowing time... I suggest to catchers...
while you are getting ready to start throwdowns, do atleast a few warm up drills ( even without the ball just working the mechanics) on your own reproducing proper mechanics so when you do get those warm up throws your body at least has been given an opportunity to warm itself up.
When the coach says catchers go get your gear on > hustle and get ready!
Then > Step out on to the field and do some mechanical preparation.
Often times there are several catchers in a line you can be the catcher that's warming yourself up. This is where you will step up and be a leader because you will be preparing!

Encourage catchers to make yourself a priority and prepare. Even speak to the coach about proper throwing warm ups (if you feel they are approachable). This is a necessary part of softball that will help you be a better performer on the field!

➡️Mental to physical application of good mechanics helps produce better results!
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Aug 1, 2019
So often a pre-game goes like this: "Pitcher Patty! go warm up you're starting. Catcher Cathy! Go warm her up." Can catcher Cathy get an adequate warm-up on her mechanics just on her throw-backs to the pitcher?
May 13, 2023
So often a pre-game goes like this: "Pitcher Patty! go warm up you're starting. Catcher Cathy! Go warm her up." Can catcher Cathy get an adequate warm-up on her mechanics just on her throw-backs to the pitcher?
Yes that is a great opportunity for the catcher to warm up their throwing mechanics! It would be even nicer if the pitcher were able to catch some longer throws from the catcher mixed in at the end of pitchers warm up! Like to have some throws with distance to more completely warm up.

Often tell catchers warming up pitchers isn't just for the pitcher, that time is also for the catcher to work on their mechanics throwing included!

I mentioned this REMINDER post because unfortunately there are times when catchers are not applying that opportunity which you mentioned. And coaches are overlooking making sure it is applied!

?ZAP ?
Last edited:
Jul 27, 2021

Catchers throwing mechanics need to be warmed up from the catching position.

Throwing from a catching Crouch includes different throwing nuances that need to be warmed up for accuracy as well warm up the body to prevent injury.

Just as you warm up a team throwing from feet...
( at some point in practice and before games)
Catchers should be warming up throwing from our 3 separate sets of throwing mechanics.
1. Crouch to feet
2. Crouch to one knee
3. and drop to both knees and throw

Encourage catchers to pay attention to warming up their throwing mechanics. Oftentimes see coaches will warm up the team and go into defensive practice grounders and such. Then at a point call the catchers over behind the plate and say okay let's work on our throws. However the catchers haven't been given time to focus on warming up these mechanics.
If your coach is not allowing time... I suggest to catchers...
while you are getting ready to start throwdowns, do atleast a few warm up drills (even without the ball just working the mechanics) on your own reproducing proper mechanics so when you go to throw your body at least has already been given an opportunity to warm itself up.

➡️Mental to physical application of good mechanics helps produce better results!
I am a big fan of a proper and good catcher warm up. More important is proper practices. Yet, I have yet to see it.

I am trying to get my DD to warm up better as she progresses through the ranks and ages up. Well see if this season is the one where she will get to take control of her pre-game. SO far I haven't seen a coach that is receptive or interested. I could count on my fingers how many practices have had real catcher elements. Catcher (player that touches the ball 2nd most) does so much on every pitch, coaches expect blocks, pop ups, throws to 2nd, pick offs, DTS, the most game IQ....yet don't invest that much.
May 13, 2023
I am a big fan of a proper and good catcher warm up. More important is proper practices. Yet, I have yet to see it.

I am trying to get my DD to warm up better as she progresses through the ranks and ages up. Well see if this season is the one where she will get to take control of her pre-game. SO far I haven't seen a coach that is receptive or interested. I could count on my fingers how many practices have had real catcher elements. Catcher (player that touches the ball 2nd most) does so much on every pitch, coaches expect blocks, pop ups, throws to 2nd, pick offs, DTS, the most game IQ....yet don't invest that much.
Thank you for sharing what you are seeing! These are the reasons I post! Have also noticed that what you have experienced. 'Have yet to see it'...
It is difficult to find!

Perhaps this can help and encourage your daughter.
Can share about a recent 12u catching student. Emphasizing with her how much she has to make herself a priority and be her best coach when she is on the field. That she needs to stay attentive to what she is learning in lessons and apply it on the field. Even if the coach isnt talking about the technical mechanics, they may not be aware.
Remind her, she has learned and able to do things that perhaps others don't even know to look for. She has to stay heads up for herself.
Recently has been applying doing her warm up drills before games and in practice is seeing how much warming up proper mechanics truly stimulates field productivity.
Good for you #32 ! ?
Jun 8, 2016
Thank you for sharing what you are seeing! These are the reasons I post! Have also noticed that what you have experienced. 'Have yet to see it'...
It is difficult to find!

Perhaps this can help and encourage your daughter.
Can share about a recent 12u catching student. Emphasizing with her how much she has to make herself a priority and be her best coach when she is on the field. That she needs to stay attentive to what she is learning in lessons and apply it on the field. Even if the coach isnt talking about the technical knowledge,
Remind her, she has learned and able to do things that perhaps others don't even know to look for. She has to stay heads up for herself.
Recently has been applying doing her warm up drills before games and in practice is seeing how much warming up proper mechanics truly stimulates field productivity.
Good for you #32 ! ?
Parents, and more importantly players (especially after a certain age), shouldn't rely on anybody else to guide their kids (or their own) development..that applies to every position.
Jul 27, 2021
Parents, and more importantly players (especially after a certain age), shouldn't rely on anybody else to guide their kids (or their own) development..that applies to every position.
Unfortunately I believe that too. Pretty much every historical and traditional mentor group has shown that the trust was misplaced. That might be too deep a subject for this place.

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