Very limited funds; question

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May 7, 2008
Yes, I use the wealthy neighborhood GoodWill. People here are couponing and then, reselling. They have a name for it and the pages are on Facebook.


Softball Dad
Apr 23, 2014
Pittsburgh PA
All of the suggestions for craigslist are spot on. My DD is in an top of the line Easton set up for catchers gear, DS now has Mizuno Samuri catchers gear, both have very nice upper end catchers gloves, DD has a MAKO bat and a CF6 Insane, all together I have spent 410 dollars on the equipment and all has been offset by selling their outgrown items on craigslist.

Know what you are looking for and at, look at the items before buying and have DD try the items before buying.
Feb 15, 2013
I agree with everyone who mentioned scholarship or show around to the teams and see what they can do for you. Being that TB is about the talent on the roster making the team more marketable, there aren't many coaches saying no to D1 talent. Even at 14U we have girls at the end of the bench helping to fund those at the top of the lineup. As for camps you need to get the most bang for your buck. Some camps are single school camps and others are showcase style camps that have 30+ coaches there and cost around the same $200 price tag.


Feb 20, 2012
If your DD's are truly D1 and D2 talents I would be willing to bet that some team would be willing to scholarship them for the team fees portion of the cost. Some parents may also be willing to donate some equipment. If the team travels, see if you DD can stay with another family if you cannot go. At 16U we have gotten extra hotel rooms and put girls in it whose parents could not attend that weekend and the parents would split the cost.

As others have mentioned, you can also do various fundraisers. Local businesses may be willing to help, and you can do car washes, sell donuts, ect.


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
Who knows, my dd just turned 15 freshmen, northeast. HS V coaches out of touch, dd has no idea whats she want to do in colllege.
Same boat here! (Except I will add that V coach is a moron and a bully).

I have started looking into the whole recruiting thing and what I have learned is there is a LOT to it and a LOT to playing ball in college! Playing DI - I don't know how they do it - full time commitment to the sport as well as carrying a full course load??!! Sluggers has good advice about the DD that you say could be DII. Just because her skills are almost as good as her sister, coaches are looking for passion and work ethic in their recruits. DII and DIII aren't automatic runner-up prizes.

DD#1 didn't have the drive to become the ballplayer she could have. went to a DIII school, walked on the team, whined about the commitment required, squeaked by academically, almost losing her Academic scholarship in the process. stopped playing softball (Fortunately!) and her GPA shot up..

DD#2 is a freshman in HS and I'm looking into the recruiting thing big time. Her tournament team organization does not advertise it, but the director insists that he has never turned away a girl for financial reasons. They always work something out. She may be DI caliber by the time she's a junior, but I'm not sure I want to do that to her. she might have a better experience at a DII or DIII school. While she idolizes Patrick Murphy and would love to play for him, she sees that the fit in college is the most important thing and that may lead her to a DIII school. (As much as I would love for her to play for Bama as well, we need her to play somewhere that we can watch her games without plane travel :))

I got a lot of good info here:

Best of Luck!
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Oct 19, 2009
DD and wife sold candles during off season you can make about 3 dollars a candle do good around the holidays, yard sales, DD gives pitching lessons and hitting lessons and Play It Again Sports in our area sells used ball equipment all have help us survive travel ball over the years. You can check the net for stores that sell and buy used ball equipment such as Play It Again Sports.
Feb 15, 2013
Another thing to look into is sponsorships. Our team last year did banners with business names on it for anyone who donated over $150. Most mom & pop businesses will use this as a tax right off and give the cash. Also banks are required to donate a certain amount to non profit orgs. So if your TB team is 501 (c) 3 then you can possibly get big money from a bank.

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