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Jul 16, 2008
Is this a rec league? As a coach, after the 2nd called IP I would talk to the umpire and find out why he is calling it, then talk to my pitcher to fix it. At no time would I allow my pitcher to talk to the umpire, especially what she said, nor would I want the umpire talking to my players. What did your coach do in all this?
Mar 1, 2013
If I call an illegal pitch, I'm ready to explain why I called it illegal. I'm not calling it because I feel like it, I'm calling it because I saw an illegal act. It's not that difficult to explain and I don't think I've ever called an illegal pitch where I wasn't asked, "What did she do?" There shouldn't be any "I'm not sure what I did wrong" discussions beyond the normal griping of "I didn't do what he said I did". She'll know why she's illegal.

Also, I don't correct the players. When I'm in blue, I'm not their coach. If I see a player consistently doing something that is borderline and feel like "nipping it in the bud" to prevent something down the road, I will address the coach and not the player. And even then, only in a rec/instructional league. In tournament ball, they'll find out they were in violation when I call it.

We are only hearing a parent's side of this after her daughter got "yelled at" by the umpire, mind you, but raising your voice to the point of it even being perceived as yelling is not awesome game management.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Sorry I didnt explain very well and lol the mount is in stall. Heres what happen the plate umpire was calling an illegal pitch saying the foot came off the plate we all watched and he kept calling the same thing and we couldnt see her foot come up off the plate so when the ending was over the pitcher said to the umpire if your gonna call it on me then you should call it on the other pitcher cause shes doing the same thing, then she went in the dugout. The umpire came to the dugout and started yelling at her that she didnt tell him what to do. So when it was time for her to pitch again the umpire approached the mound and took the ball out of the 3rd basemans hand and he waited on the mound for the pitcher and when she arrived on the mound he began yelling at her so loud that the people in the stands was yelling at him to stop saying she was just a 15yr kid. Her dad approached the umpire after the game and they had words then the umpire report her and her dad to the UIL. So i dont know if this is something that is allowed. And Yes he was very

First of all, thanks for having good humor about the 'mount' in your first post. Typos can be funny.

As far as your story, to really get to the bottom of it and be fair, we'd have to call witnesses. Who knows what the umpire might have to add to it. Since we can't do that, then as a general rule, it's not OK for umpires to yell at the players, especially to go out of their way to do it. However, the player was out of line for her remark. Her age doesn't excuse it. Since her coach and parents can't control the umpire, perhaps their attention should be on her behavior. For the umpire's part, perhaps he should have told her calmly that if she so much as makes a negative facial expression in his direction from this point forward that she will be ejected.
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Mar 29, 2012
Agree with the posts asking where the coach was. I would think aftee the 1st IP the coach would have approached the blue to find out what was wrong so it could be addressed.
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
I was under the impression that calling illegal pitch was responsibility
of BU. In the older ages (15U) it is tough for the PU to watch pitcher and still call
from behind the plate
Mar 1, 2013
I was under the impression that calling illegal pitch was responsibility
of BU. In the older ages (15U) it is tough for the PU to watch pitcher and still call
from behind the plate

Any umpire can call an illegal pitch. As the PU, you are responsible for her hands/timing and 24" lane violations. The BU would be responsible for her feet (positioning, hopping, etc). If either sees an illegal act, they can call it, just be ready to explain it.
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Especially this early in the season this happens a lot (especially rec). Girls are called for illegal pitch if it is not obvious as a coach I will call time and usually blue and I meet at the mound where he will demonstrate what illegal act is taking place, I will let the pitcher try and adjust but if she can't we call in another pitcher. Number one person to blame in this is the COACH.

a) you should not have a pitcher on the mound that you know is pitching illegal
b) after first and if not definitely second IP you should be talking to the umpire and figure out what is going on
c) if any of my players ever talked back to an umpire they get two options either watch from the bench where I put them or if ejected watch from the parking lot if umpire ejects them either way they are not getting back on the field
d) no umpire is coming into my dugout to yell at one of my players unless they have tossed me out of the game first that is simply out of line

OK off soapbox now
Mar 5, 2013
her main coach wasnt there just the assist and he didnt do much of anything he never does tho but when the main coach did get there she ask her if she was ok and not to worry cause she wont see him again
Where were the coaches in all this drama?


Feb 20, 2012
It has also been my experience that is it perfectly acceptable for the coach to ask for an explanation of an illegal pitch call by the umpire. A good coach should have been out there arguing with the umpire, not the pitcher. If one of my pitchers did have a dispute with one of the umpires I would put in another pitcher. Putting the pitcher with a "beef" with the umpire back into the game is going to end badly. Even if she stops throwing the illegal pitches, the strike zone will be the size of softball.

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