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Mar 5, 2013
I have a question and cant find an answer.

Is it ok for a plate umpire to approach the dugout and yell at a player and can a plate umpire approach the mount and hold the ball from the pitcher while he is yelling at her. I have never seen this happen in all the years i have gone to game until last sat i witness this action in an umpire.
Jun 22, 2010
Need more information. What was the umpire yelling about? Was he telling someone who was arguing with him to knock it off? Was his voice raised in anger or in an effort to be heard over other noise?
Mar 5, 2013
Sorry I didnt explain very well and lol the mount is in stall. Heres what happen the plate umpire was calling an illegal pitch saying the foot came off the plate we all watched and he kept calling the same thing and we couldnt see her foot come up off the plate so when the ending was over the pitcher said to the umpire if your gonna call it on me then you should call it on the other pitcher cause shes doing the same thing, then she went in the dugout. The umpire came to the dugout and started yelling at her that she didnt tell him what to do. So when it was time for her to pitch again the umpire approached the mound and took the ball out of the 3rd basemans hand and he waited on the mound for the pitcher and when she arrived on the mound he began yelling at her so loud that the people in the stands was yelling at him to stop saying she was just a 15yr kid. Her dad approached the umpire after the game and they had words then the umpire report her and her dad to the UIL. So i dont know if this is something that is allowed. And Yes he was very
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