Umpire with wrong information

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Jan 19, 2011
I had a ump last year come to dugout and tell me he was going to start calling illigal pitches on my pitcher. I ask for what. His response was, "she's not taking the sign from the rubber". My first question was, How can tell unless your standing in front of my catcher. He said, "I just know that she's taking before she walks up". I then responded that that wasn't illegal anyway. He said, "It is according to the rule book". I then read the rule to him....While on that pitching plate, the pitcher shall take the signal or appear to be taking the signal with the hands separated. The ball must remain in either the glove or pitching hand... And told him that all she had to do is pause. He then told me he was going to "let it slide" but next game she had better be taking the sign from the rubber. I then explained that if my pitcher only had a fastball we wouldn't be giving signs and all she has to do is pause on the rubber before she started her pitch. He said "no she still has to take a sign". So I told him to call his boss and get told that he was wrong and we had time to wait for him to make the call... He declined

We do have some very good umps, he just wasn't one of those. Also called his booking agent and told him to never send him to another one of our games....and he didn't.
Jul 28, 2008
I agree we had a team complaing last year because our pitcher left the ball in her mitt. The umpire said he was gonna start calling illegal pitches. Needless to say this was her routine and totally threw her off, had to bring another pitcher in.

I would tell him to go ahead. And that then I would immediately protest his rules interpretation.
Mar 13, 2010
He approached one of my 11 YO pitching students and told her that she was illegal. He said that she has to approach the rubber with the ball in her bare hand. (She keeps it in her glove.)

That just isn't the ASA rule.

Rule 6, section 1, D -

While on that pitching plate, the pitcher shall take the signal or appear to be taking the signal with the hands separated. The ball must remain in either the glove or pitching hand.

Same for PONY, same for NCAA.

What is this umpire or the one in Coach Beck's post thinking about? What is he doing even talking to one of your pitching students?
Reading about these type of antics makes me want to scream.

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