Two slow motion college HR swings

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Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio


In the top video, I teach upper body mechanics very similar to this. She stays connected.
I believe in bat lag...Where the bat is parallel to the ground for a short period of time. I dont see that in the HI demo.
She turns and holds on maintaining the box around the corner and then releases the hammer(bathead) to impact.
Do all you HI guys that are on this site, see the second video/HI mechanics, in this swing posted above it.
And if so what part?

Bat Lag


The difference in bat lag from casey to bonds is she did not get her hips along farther by getting her back foot off the ground. We have worked on that.


I like Lamberth's swing because it was a homerun and the sweet spot of the bat hit the ball on plane at a high rate of speed. After all that is the goal. It looks like it was inside and she made a good adjustment to get get hips and hands cleared so she could get the sweetspot to the ball (about 22" from her top hand)nice adjustment. I do see some of the HI concepts in the Glasco swing. The circular hand path and circular path of the knob.
Do you know the outcome of the Bonds swing? It may have been a dead pull and we are looking at a very early part of the swing.
Feb 14, 2010
Nobody knows what lambreth was seeing and reacting to, my point is if some dad came on here and saw that swing followed by posters saying its a good lower half and mechanically sound they might teach their DD that and it would set them back in their journey. As far as I'm concerned great hitters make adjustments on the fly that aren't mechanically sound just to drive the ball and yes that is the goal but don't get tricked into teaching the wrong thing. If nothing else it's a great video for advanced hitters to watch but it's extremely dangerous for a newbie.


Coaching and Loving it!
Dec 19, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Thought I'd add this extra slow motion video. This is a single to left hit by Marisa Bast against MTSU on 2/16/13. Marisa, a junior, is on the 2013 USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Watch List, making her one of the best players in the country. As a sophomore, she led the Big Ten in hitting during the regular season, batting .414.

Marisa Bast Northwestern softball 2013 - YouTube

Coach Danny
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Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
Thought I'd add this extra slow motion video. This is a single to left hit by Marisa Bast against MTSU on 2/16/13. Marisa, a junior, is on the 2013 USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Watch List, making her one of the best players in the country. As a sophomore, she led the Big Ten in hitting during the regular season, batting .414.

Marisa Bast Northwestern softball 2013 - YouTube

Coach Danny
I like Marisa's swing here a lot. A few years ago we really focused on turning the box but a lot of video at discussfastpich convinced me that another important element was using the hands at initiation to begin turning the barrel. It is Mankin's top hand torque. I think I see it here with the circular hand path to help turn the barrel into the zone.

In the clip Marisa just misses the sweetspot. My dd is doing that a lot and in fact looks very similar. Is it miss timing or does someone know why this hitter (on this swing) and my dd quite often just miss the sweet spot by 2"-3" off pitching and sometimes machine.
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Aug 1, 2008
I like the lower half of swing 2 and the upper half of swing one. If you only watch them separate, they both have some good qualities.
Like I said are girls are not full grown men and will swing more like the girls posted.

Aug 1, 2008
I am curious which MLB player would you choose to model for your daughter. Many people say we advocate the MLB high level pattern. So which pattern is it going to be modeled after?

While looking at the averages would not anything less than .300 be below average? When I looked at the averages many are at the .250 to .270 range. Why is that? They played T ball, travel ball, 4 years of college, maybe 7 years of minor league ball and still below .300.

They should have maybe used some of you to explain how to swing a bat.:)

When you teach females they dont have the upper body strength of full grown, weight lifting men.
You have to get them to use the hips and lower half to generate power and have them stay connected in the swing.

Feb 14, 2010

I personally love Josh Hamilton's swing but as far as Fastpitch I like Dena Tyson's the most. I honestly can't see how anyone could like Lamberth's LH, it's all upper half and the lower half is along for the ride. This is just my philosophy but I'm tired of people talking about what girls can't do, I've modeled Brooke's swing after MLBer's and elite fastpitch swings, I've never sold her short and I refuse to do it. She has a long way to go but she amazes me everyday with what she's able to do so why not hold females up to higher level? They might just surprise you.

It's obvious to everyone that most women aren't as strong as men in the upper body, I would guess Bustos is one of the exceptions, but every ELITE hitter has to maximize their LH in order to hit ELITE pitching that's not a gender thing, it's a high level swing thing.

As far as why some MLBer's averages are lower than others IMO that comes from pitch recognition and pure athleticism. The truly great hitters recognize the pitch and process it so quick. I honestly think that's something god gave them and not others. I've seen swings on MLBer's that aren't what I would call mechanically efficient but they still are very good hitters and that comes down to pitch recognition IMO.
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