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Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
Every now and then when I’m working with a pitching student I will have one who is having trouble hitting some of her spots on command. For example, she will tell me that she can hit inside ok but can’t throw outside. I will talk to her about how to do it. I used to […]

Apr 20, 2018
As soon as she says "I can't" we have a problem. She is basically be prophetic. You are who you say you are.
You are right in fixing it with a positive task oriented drill and getting her to believe in herself and hopefully never utter the dreaded "I can't" again.
I think the basketball players who missed a free throw and would tell themselves " that ok, it just means I am bound to make the next 9 in a row because I am a great free thrower" attitude is huge.
Coaches, help your hard working players become confident and positive and you will have done God's work.