Travel vs. School vs. Private Coaching Conflicts

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Dec 26, 2017
related, what do you do if your Tb coach gives conflicting instruction from private instructor?

I've seen a couple of coaches who think that every private instructor except the ones his DDs go to are idiots. If you ask them not to mess with your kid, they will reluctantly comply when you're around and then jack around with swings/pitching mechanics anytime the parents aren't looking. I'd guess that the consensus would be to not play for someone like that.
Oct 5, 2017
Western Indiana
As a dad of middle schoolers and a TB coach..... my convo with the Middle School coach would go "I'm not having someone who has to go teach history after this and play lacross in college try and fix my DD's swing..... make a line up card and let them play."

I really appreciate the respect that you guys give to those of us high school coaches that work hard at trying to educate our youth and be a part of a sport we love. Yes, there are bad coaches out there in all HS sports but to pigeon hole us all into one group is disrespectful. I have coached against some of those guys and they are easy to defeat with just fundamentals.

Personally, I work on coaching 12 months of the year. I watch videos, read, attend clinics, and seek out other coaches for advice and new ideas. I work with our local TB organization trying to do what is best for the players year round. I have been asked to coach TB and choose not to so the players get different coaching from different ideas, not a one size fits all sport.

Yes, you touched a nerve. I get tired of reading such negative things all the time. For the record I have seen some really bad TB coaches too. That does not mean I think they are all bad or uneducated about the sport.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Player is going to hitting coach. Not happy with what they are doing. I know you need to go backwards to go forward IMO it was a mess. Mentioned it to parent once, they can make desesion, thier kid. They were paying for an idiot IMO.

No one would be foolish enough to pay me but I will throw 1000s of balls at someone.


Observer, but has an opinion
Oct 31, 2014
I could write a book here on MS and HS coaches, but I won't!

OP, let your DD play, let her be a part of something, let her enjoy playing on a stacked team which is awesome, never got to experience that on any school team, even though we won a State Championship!

YOU need to show and tell your DD the big picture that's beyond school ball and that's coming for Spring/Summer, have her suffer through her school ball coaches and enjoy being a teammate and representing her school!

And trust me, I've been exactly where you are, I'm talking from some really good experience, relax and quit stressing!

I have read all these comments just about and some were good, and some not so good. But here is my question........if your DD and all her team mate are so week trained and so knowledgeable, why in the world are they playing 14U “B”? wouldn’t a player with this skill set want to play the best competition she could to reach the next level. You already stated she is basically a stud, why ”B”??
May 1, 2018
I really appreciate the respect that you guys give to those of us high school coaches that work hard at trying to educate our youth and be a part of a sport we love. Yes, there are bad coaches out there in all HS sports but to pigeon hole us all into one group is disrespectful. I have coached against some of those guys and they are easy to defeat with just fundamentals.

Personally, I work on coaching 12 months of the year. I watch videos, read, attend clinics, and seek out other coaches for advice and new ideas. I work with our local TB organization trying to do what is best for the players year round. I have been asked to coach TB and choose not to so the players get different coaching from different ideas, not a one size fits all sport.

Yes, you touched a nerve. I get tired of reading such negative things all the time. For the record I have seen some really bad TB coaches too. That does not mean I think they are all bad or uneducated about the sport.
I appreciate your effort to be better..... the post was referring to a Junior High coach, not high school. While I wouldn't want my DD HS coach correcting swings either unless well educated on it..... for sure not a Junior High coach who most likely coaches 4-5 different sports. Saying that, one of my DD's Jr High coaches played at Illinois so any tips from her are welcome.
Nov 26, 2015
Seacoast NH
Like anything else, there’s 3 possibilities here:
  • You’re 100% right
  • You’re 100% wrong
  • You’re partially wrong
Regardless of which is applicable in this case, the #1 rule of athletics is there’s no such thing as a universal truth in athletics.

Every fundamental skill is really just a series of blended movements, and each individual may do one of those movements a little differently than the next. Likewise, every coach has had different levels of success teaching a player the finer points of one particular movement. It takes a lot of reps to make something habit, so there isn’t a lot of harm trying something to see how it feels and if it helps. Ultimately - the end result is the only thing that matters. So if that thing your coach showed you doesn’t improve the end result, then there’s no sense in incorporating it into how you play in a game. All coaches should understand that. #1 rule of coaching: don’t make a player worse.

From DD’s perspective – even if you think you are 100% right, try it in practice anyway and refer to the #1 rule of athletics. If you genuinely try and it doesn’t work for you, that’s fine – just smile and nod and try it in practice each time coach asks you to do it. Maybe it’ll work the second time, or the 10th, or maybe it never will. If it does work for you, then work on making it a habit. If not, then don’t make it a habit. Simple as that.

It takes a lot of reps and hard work to make something a habit. If you’re playing travel ball, working with a private instructor, and/or working at home you’re getting a lot of additional reps, so a few reps of something different at school isn’t going to ruin you for life.

Game time is no time to think about instruction. You need to do everything out of habit. If you get better results doing it your way, then that’s all that matters. Just remember – if everyone around you is getting better results by doing something different, then you may need to revisit your original assumptions about being 100% right.

Strategy is a different animal. Here’s an example: If coach says “dip your barrel below your hands to bunt” then smile and nod and try it in practice, but assuming all that does is make you pop everything up or foul - don’t work on making it a habit. If Coach gives the “Thou shalt bunt at this next pitch” sign with 2 strikes and 2 outs in the bottom of the seventh down by 7 runs, then that’s what you do. The decision to bunt in that situation is all up to Coach. How you execute the fundamental skill of laying a bunt down is due to your habits. You may think that’s the worst decision in the world – and there’s 3 possibilities: 1: You’re 100% right and no one shall EVER bunt with 2 strikes because the laws of physics prohibit you from ever getting that bunt down; 2: Turns out you get it down and start a 2 out winning rally; or 3: The ball rolls along the 1st base line, you run through the bag, the crowd goes wild, then the ball kicks foul, the pitcher touches it foul, ump yells “foul ball, batter out, that’s game!” and coach realizes “ooooof - maybe I shoulda called that on the 1st pitch instead.”
Jul 29, 2013
North Carolina
I have read all these comments just about and some were good, and some not so good. But here is my question........if your DD and all her team mate are so week trained and so knowledgeable, why in the world are they playing 14U “B”? wouldn’t a player with this skill set want to play the best competition she could to reach the next level. You already stated she is basically a stud, why ”B”??
You're asking the wrong person, not my DD, and not my thread, my DD is in college!
Apr 20, 2018
Hello Everyone. My DD is an 8th grader. Been playing ball since she was 6, travel teams from 10u until now. She was on a really good 12B team for 2 years, and now on a 14B team with a big organization. She has had really good training and we have spent 2 and a half years with the same batting coach. We are on week number 2 of 8th grade ball, we did not have a 7th grade year because of covid, and this team is stacked. They have 8 players that play on top or very competitive travel teams which is not common for middle school in this area. The softball IQ on these girls is crazy good. They all play for travel coaches that have taught the girls to run their own games defensively and be very aggressive.

So far it has not been a great start. DD is a third baseman, has great reaction speed, and has been trained to play up almost her whole time in travel ball. During tryouts the coach made a comment that "we have to fix that". During one of the first practices she was playing up, a ball went past her to short, short made the play and the coaches felt it should have been her ball. (She has played with the shortstop for multiple years in travel and the shortstop and her know how to work together).

Today, they were doing a batting drill. My daughter talked to the coach and said the drill was messing with her swing. And the coach's response was thousands of girls do this drill without issue. And a second comment was made to the girls that their batting coaches are not always right. Half of our girls see batting coaches with great reputations.

DD struggles a bit with adapting to change and does take a little longer to make adjustments some times. As parents we do not really like to get involved with coaching and feel it is up to her to talk to them. (Although based on the comments made so far I don't think the coaches are open to the discussions.) We have told her that this middle school season is only two months and a great chance for character building and playing with girls she has known for a long time but we know that the first time she misses an out from third because she is playing back she is going to be mad.

Any other parent or coaching advice for making it through the season? Or even just anyone who can commiserate with us? lol
What was the drill? enquiring minds need to know.
Jun 20, 2015
the sanest way to make it thru the season is to adjust now that most of what happens you will not agree with, accept it now. get good lawn chair, sit out away from field (solo), and cheer for entire team. Resign yourself to the fact that neither DD or you parents have any control or input in the way HS coach does anything. from the lack of rotating players, players in 'wrong' positions, defensive alignments, batting philosopy, selective enforcement of rules, etc, etc,

Silently pray for the return of travel ball as soon as possible.

Best of luck.
Jan 22, 2011
Heard yesterday that a local HS coach who was hired because he had over 12 years of experience as a travel ball coach is having his team do wrist flicks as part of throwing warms-up.

the sanest way to make it thru the season is to adjust now that most of what happens you will not agree with, accept it now. get good lawn chair, sit out away from field (solo), and cheer for entire team. Resign yourself to the fact that neither DD or you parents have any control or input in the way HS coach does anything. from the lack of rotating players, players in 'wrong' positions, defensive alignments, batting philosopy, selective enforcement of rules, etc, etc,

Silently pray for the return of travel ball as soon as possible.

Best of luck.

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