Total Control Sports Softball

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Softball DAD
Jan 26, 2014
Whiting, Iowa
I have read the older post on Total Control Sports balls and how great they are. No one said specifically if they used the Total Control Sports Softball 82 or the Total Control Sports baseball 74. I really need to know which one to get for my 14 year old girl players. Which one have some of you people used with success? I don't want them to travel far.
My concerns are:
1. Being to heavy for the young girls and getting hurting their wrist.
2. If someone hits it just right and does it travel to far. Wanting to use them for a pre-game hitting warm-up.
3. These cost a lot and I want to get the correct one.

Ebay is selling these for $99 and I think you can get an additional 20% and I am hoping I can get free shipping.
May 7, 2008
As far as I know, most of us use the baseball sized one. The large one is too heavy. No, they will not travel all that far. Maybe 30 feet and they are dying, at that point.

I use the tiny whiffles and the larger whiffles, too. They travel further than the heavy ball, though.
Oct 18, 2009
I actually have both the 82 and 74 and other than the 74 being smaller I dont think there is too much difference. The 74 is slightly smaller. I used them for 12u & 14u teams and it never hurt anyones wrist. They dont go too far. Maybe 40 or 50 feet max for those age groups. The smaller ones go further i think.

I'd say if you are concerned with distance being too far get the 82. They don't go as far as the smaller ones and i think its harder to hit the entire ball so they have to really get all of it on the bat (as compared to the slightly smaller 74s) to go.

I personally like the 74's. They are easier to pitch for me and since they are a little smaller, easier to carry. I don't know how valid this is but I think the smaller ball makes the actual softball look bigger for live at bats.

The truth is, I don't think you can go wrong with either one. Good luck.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
I have the 74's.... never had a problem.
Just be sure to have their hands out front with one palm up and the other down... wrist injuries will occur if they're rolling their wrists at contact.
Jun 24, 2013
Either would be fine, they are almost the same size. For some reason the softball ones seem to sell cheaper.

You don’t want your hitter to hit a 1000 of these, just 8 or 10 at a time.
Feb 21, 2012
I have both the 74's and the 82's. I believe they are the same weight, its just the circumference that is different. Or they are close enough that it doesn't matter.
To me the 82's being larger show you more when you are off center because the filling has more space to move around, so the instant feedback is easier to see.

If the players are not used to them, don't throw them tons of reps right away (start with 4-6). Work up to it over time. Even later as they are used to the weight, keep the reps reasonable (12-18), and then move on to the next girl, and next station...

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