Too Much??

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May 7, 2008
A, A
My 14U team is in a Spring League and all the girls are also playing school ball. The parents know that I will make sure not to overplay them on Sundays so as not to tax their bodies since they are practicing/playing 7 days a week in April/May. The league wants me to play a DH on Sat and then the next day on Sun. The girls also have school ball practice on Sat morning. I told the league that it is too much to ask the girls to play that much. I have offered my field on a Sun when we are not playing so we don't have to play on the Sat. What so you think? Is it too much? I am already getting sore arms and shoulders from the girls and do not want to wear them out.


May 7, 2008
A, A
Well, you know the answer, then. It is too much.

Thanks Amy!! Next question, if the league can't change it, should I tell them we forfeit then? Here is the forfeit rule:
Forfeits: If your team is unable to make a game and must forfeit, please call our office (during the week 10-5 mon-fri). If you need to notify us during the weekend, please send an email to blank as we do not check our office messages during the weekend. NOTIFYING THE OFFICE THE DAY OF YOUR SCHEDULED GAME THAT YOU INTEND ON FORFEITING WILL RESULT IN A LOSS OF YOUR FORFEIT BOND FEE AND A 7-0 LOSS OF EACH GAME YOU FORFEIT. FAILURE TO NOTIFY THE OFFICE AT ALL WILL RESULT IN ALOSS OF YOUR FORFEIT BOND FEE AND A 7-0 LOSS OF EACH GAME YOU FORFEIT. IF YOU FORFEIT TWICE IN ONE SEASON, YOUR TEAM WILL BE TAKEN OFF OF THE SCHEDULE.
Jul 26, 2010
Many states have regulations against playing outside of school games during HS season. They're might be some sanity behind those rules. I think you've outlined why.



May 7, 2008
A, A
Many states have regulations against playing outside of school games during HS season. They're might be some sanity behind those rules. I think you've outlined why.


Thanks. I am just checking too see if I am the crazy one especially since my parents know I always protect the girls. In spring league, nobody plays more than one game in the field.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
If they are practicing/playing seven days/week, I'd think playing in the league at all would be too much. They need one day of complete rest from softball, IMO. Plus, I doubt any kid really wants to play softball or take part in any hobby every single day of the week.


May 7, 2008
A, A
If they are practicing/playing seven days/week, I'd think playing in the league at all would be too much. They need one day of complete rest from softball, IMO. Plus, I doubt any kid really wants to play softball or take part in any hobby every single day of the week.

That's why I am making sure that they don't play the field much in the league. Using the league more as getting to know each other on the field than a win every game.
Well you have to ask yourself a few questions. When did the schedule come out? Are you just know finding out abut this double header? When the kids signed up for both school ball and league ball what did they expect? would you play if it was just a single game and not a double header? Does the league play Sunday games? I understand tournaments but Sunday league games?

Any way if it was me I would go ahead and play the double header (full Saturday of ball) and just take Sunday two cents.


May 7, 2008
A, A
1st game was out end of came out last week and I immediately called the league to ask them to change it. The girls and parents expected to play on Sundays, not Saturdays or back to back days on the weekend
Jun 14, 2011
Field of Dreams
Only you know your girls and their practice schedules, for HS girls- I say cancel for sure, take the forfeits on Saturdayand give the girls rest. MS practices for my DD were not taxing- to say the least- alot of standing around, she would want to get in some "real" softball on the weekends. She is in HS now, VERY different, she needs down time.

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