to throw or not to throw...

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Jul 16, 2008
Ours is opposite... HS Varsity - Runner at 1st steals, catcher pops up and throws, SS is nowhere to be found, ball goes into CF. Coaches pull catcher off to the side to "talk" to her. Nothing is said to the SS..... Go figure!!!
Feb 3, 2011
Ours is opposite... HS Varsity - Runner at 1st steals, catcher pops up and throws, SS is nowhere to be found, ball goes into CF. Coaches pull catcher off to the side to "talk" to her. Nothing is said to the SS..... Go figure!!!
Did CF back up the throw properly to prevent the runner from advancing further?

The catcher cannot hesitate on that throw EVER. It has to be automatic. If the SS doesn't get there for whatever reason, the runner was going to be safe anyway.
Jul 16, 2008
Did CF back up the throw properly to prevent the runner from advancing further?

The catcher cannot hesitate on that throw EVER. It has to be automatic. If the SS doesn't get there for whatever reason, the runner was going to be safe anyway.

Yes the CF was there, the point is the HS Coach jawing at the catcher for throwing it, and not to the SS for not covering.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
10U rec - We teach the catchers to throw, and that it is the responsibility of the fielders to get where they need to be on time to catch it. If the fielders are distracted or lazy, they're the ones who will get some additional instruction, not the catchers.

At my older DD's JV HS game last week, the catcher got scolded by a teammate for throwing to 2B before a fielder was there. Unfortunately, the coach doesn't know any better and didn't set things right. SMH.
Apr 14, 2014
Kansas City
In both situations catcher has to make the throw, with no hesitation. The team has to learn to trust each other and they will all be in the right spot when needed.
Apr 6, 2014
Austin, TX
With 1 out and a runner on 2nd, do you think the hitter is going to bunt? In most cases, the hitter would not bunt her over with 1 out. Playing those odds, do you think it would be best to have the 3B or the SS cover the steal?

Answer: 3B

What if the hitter is a slapper? Then the SS would cover 3rd. That should make it easier for her to cover steals because she should be positioned closer the the 5-6 hole and baseline

Clear coverages and communication is crucial. Think about taking the decision making out of the SS & 3B hands and giving it to the coach. You won't get beat on a steal if you play the odds correctly and position your players.
Jun 4, 2013
Orange County, CA
Lol this sounds all too familiar. Not meaning to hijack this thread. Just thought I would chime in and share.

Just the other day DD was playing first. There was a runner on 2nd base with 2 outs. Ground ball was hit too 3rd basemen and a beautiful play was made to first, blue got the call wrong and runner at second bolts to 3rd. Pitcher screams to my DD for the ball, then turns her head to look at the runner. DD without hesitation throws the ball HARD and nails the pitcher right on the chest. Runner scores, and Pitcher is livid screaming at my DD. Coach calls time to talk to the girls. After the game I asked DD what that was about and she was told by the coach to make sure the players are watching before she throws.

It just cracks me up
Feb 1, 2012
Catcher has to make the throw

The girl in the dugout telling the catcher to look before she throws is in the dugout, not on the field. if she is such a great player then why is she in the dugout?

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