The more I hurry.....

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Oct 4, 2011
Oh gosh, Amy - I'm glad she's OK (and you're OK)!! We've all been there.

A few weeks ago DH and I dropped DS off at a birthday party. Seeing as how it was cocktail hour, I had a margarita at the restaurant DH and I went to (DH had water - he's pretty good about that). Anyway - stopped back later to pick up DS (DH drove). The birthday boy's mom came over to talk to me and I'm sure I smelled like tequila. Looking back, I'm pretty horrified. This mom has seen me a few times since then and just smiles at me from a distance. I cringe inwardly everytime I see her - or as DD would say "Awkwaaaaarrrrrd"
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Dec 3, 2012
West Coast
Did I get this right. When you were in charge of taking care of your GDD, she got locked in your truck and you called your DD? What were you thinking!
Aug 14, 2011
When my son was 18 months old, I was in a hurry after shopping and strapping him into his car seat and didn't realize the keys had fallen out of my purse onto the floor. When I stood up and shut the door, the car locked because of the "driver door not opened in time" safety mechanism. No air, hot day, son inside. Of course, I panicked, he cried, people at a local store tried to help us while the locksmith was on the way. I called my husband to come help because again, it was a hot day. My son got visibly sweatier and hotter, the locksmith couldn't open the doors, so I had to distract my son to one side of the car while the locksmith broke a window on the other side. Son rescued.
Mother and son united, me crying (he was in there almost 20 min), everyone relieved. THEN I realized that the hatch of my car, where I had put my groceries 20 minutes earlier, was just "pulled to" and not actually shut and latched. I could have gone through the hatch the entire time.
My husband was really happy with me that day.
May 7, 2008
Yes, I could have called AAA, if i had googled it on my cell phone, but 911 was quicker. It was 4:30 in the afternoon, so I wasn't sure why the guy helping, had already been drinking. Hopefully, it was only one 'cause he had kids with him, or maybe someone else drove. Anyway, I was actually considering what window to break out, with a ball bat.

Now, I have discovered that I have misplaced my credit card. I have backtracked and not found it, so I had to report that lost. Gee, I hope nothing else happens.

By the way, the firemen insert a small bladder at the edge of the window, and blow that up enough, so that they can push a rod against the lock.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
This thread made me spill my beer on my keyboard. I need to hang out with a better class of people because I don't think anyone I know would even notice if I had a beer at 4:30 or a margarita with dinner. Bunch of drunks. If I locked my kid in my car and called 911 I would probably never hear the end of it though.
Nov 5, 2009
St. Louis MO
My DH used to lock his keys in his car routinely. After he locked both our DD and his keys in the car and I had to leave work to open it, I made him equip his next car with the external keypad. It sure saved me some rescue time.

Amy, what happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's. We never admit to our children what happens to our grandchildren under our care. (Until they're old enough to rat you out, then you have to get in front of it.) :)

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