The more I hurry.....

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May 7, 2008
My student was a few minutes late tonight, she had a good lesson and I had to take off to get to my MIL's 91st b'day party. The 13yo girl, took my GDD to the truck and helped her get buckeled in the back seat, in a car seat. I went up, put my water in and shut the door. It locked. My keys were in the ignition. Great.

Some guy that had beer on his breath tried to help me. We tried to get Jocelyn to get out of her car seat, so she could unlock the door. She almost made it, but she had jeans on and the straps were too tight around her legs. I called my husband, who was already at his mom's party and he said "What do you want me to do?" Well, nothing, I guess. Then, I called my DD who was already at the party, too, and told her that I had locked her DD in the truck. Nice.

So, I had to call 911 and a firetruck came and a deputy and they had it open in 30 seconds. Yeah!
Jun 24, 2013
One trick you can try if this happens in the future and you have access to an old-school metal coat hanger (or some long skinny semi-stiff material) is this. Try to pry the door away from the car at the top (with your hands!) where it joins the roof. Often times you can separate it enough to get the clothes hanger through the gap and hit the unlock button. I have done this successfully several times.
Jun 24, 2013
When DD was little I left the keys in the car putting in her car seat, of course she hit the lock bottom. I kept yelling at her to hit the button, she had the keys in her hands and kept setting off the car alarm. :) I guess the red button looked best.

DW came up and bailed us out.
Aug 20, 2013
Add road side assistance through your insurance carrier. It's usually less than $2 per month but can be used for several thing including locking your keys in the car
Mar 23, 2010
Got to be a hero for a friend once at the grocery store. Fortunately she had left the sunroof in the vent position, and we were able to reach the unlock button with my trusty TB umbrella spike.
FTR I did not have beer on my breath at the time.

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