Teaching catchers to call pitches.

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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
How are you teaching your catchers to call pitches? I'm working with 4-5 catchers on a 12u team and I keep trying to get the catchers to call pitches but they really don't seem to get what to do. I'm not super strong myself in this area so I am looking for guidance on training them. What are you doing/telling your catchers?

Here's a link to another DFP thread about this topic and a Pitch Call Chart that serves as a good starting point to begin talking about what pitches may be effective in certain situations.

Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Thanks GM. I have that and have been studying it. Just wasn't sure what the best way to train a catcher to start learning these tendencies. I know I need to learn them better myself!!

Thanks again for the replies.
Mar 13, 2010
Does Team USAs coach call? I have never heard of any coach calling here. The only time I've ever seen it happen was when the normal catcher was playing at shortstop and she was calling from there. We had her signals stolen within three batters.
Jan 27, 2010
DD's 14U coach used to have the pitchers and catchers on the bench call pitches. He'd make them explain why they were calling certain pitches in the various situations which helped those who were students of the game. DD called the bulk of the pitches during 18U fall ball and all the pitches this HS season. She takes pride in it and I enjoy hearing how she sets up batters.
Oct 22, 2009
It really depends on the catcher.

I have one catcher that is confident enough to call the game (1st year 14U), so what I do with her is we have an occasional back and forth through the fence during the inning. I make comments like "she's way behind, don't speed up her bat", "do you see she is dropping her hands?", or "she's right on top of the plate" as cues for how and where I want her to set up and what pitch to call. If the batter is listening, that's fine with me, as it helps my catcher and I set her up for the next pitch. I've been doing this all year and at this point I don't need to say much except when a ball gets hit in the gap and I ask her what she called and where was the pitch, and revisit her strategy briefly.

I have another catcher that I use the wrist band with, as I know she doesn't get it yet. If I left it to her, she would set up for a fastball down the middle every time!
May 13, 2012
You say it is strong rec league. Maybe have her sit with a trusted coach on an Off night and he can explain the why's of what he it's caLling. My Catcher was out for a couple of weeks with injury so I had her set Beside me and I Just thought out loud as I called the pitches so she could understand what I was doing.
Apr 1, 2010
DD is 14UB. Her coach has her and the other catcher calling almost every pitch, but he reserves the right to send in a call if there's something he wants to do.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
I should say its "a getting stronger" rec league. Still 20-30% of never-have-played girls even at 12u age. 4 teams and each team has 1 stronger pitcher and catcher. But that's about it. :) I got lucky and drafted 4 that have their own gear, 1 is my own dd and one that is a pitcher that rocked it behind the plate one night. Hence my wanting to learn how to teach them a little about calling pitches.

I like the ideas! Keep them coming.

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