Stupid Things Coaches Say...

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Jan 23, 2014
I hate when coaches say you gotta make that catch. Really? No kidding. I am sure the player already feels like total crap for dropping the pop up, or the catcher feels horrible for dropping that 3rd strike, you yelling at them while they are on the field is not going to enhance their performance. At all.
Jan 24, 2009
"Move up in the box!"
"Move back in the box!"

Those are my favorites and I love to hear them when I am calling the pitches.

Gotta agree re that dumb advice. I also love it when a coach instructs his offense to go on defense: "Protect the plate!!"
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
"Now you've seen it..."
This is what they say to a batter after having been instructed to take the first pitch every at bat.
That's our cue to just throw the first one right down main street. Easy way to get ahead!

You're assuming an awful lot here. I say this to a hitter when she has taken a pitch I think she should have swung at.
My opinion here.... Its a MAJOR pet peeve of mine when my girls let meatballs go right down main street! I will never say now you've seen it. This implies its okay to let good pitches go past you. Its okay to not be aggressive. Its okay to not do your best. Complete BS!!!! Get in the box looking to hit, every pitch, be in position to crush one. Be moving with rhythm, balance, and timing. Always ready!!!! To stand there straight legged and watch the first one go past is again in my option pure stupidity. To just stand there and simply observe the pitchers premotion, mechanics, and delivery, you should have been doing this in the dugout and when on deck. When your in the box on my team you, are there for one reason. Get on base!
Feb 15, 2013
I coach 3rd and I say the following dumb things:

1. Was that outside? Because maybe the ump will realize that even from 3rd I could tell it wasn't close
2. Player swings at high pitch, I say leave those up there. Why? Because at 12U they aren't very experienced yet and need constant reminders. I also through in that I liked the aggressiveness just be more selective
3. Way to battle, girls need to feel good to play good.
4. Good at bat, even if it's a K or a fly out. Unless of course it's not a good at bat.
5. Good eye, on anything that looked close from 3rd but was called a ball

These aren't dumb things coaches say they are things that coaches say to each player to help them. 12U is developmental for 95% of the players so they still need constant reinforcement.
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
Two years ago....To my 10yo "struggling pitcher" DD.....

"You should focus on'll never be a good pitcher".

Fast forward to this past Sunday...

2 innings at catcher
2 innings at Shortstop
1 inning of relief where she struck out the side on 12 pitches.

While walking to our car the coach from other team came up to us, shook her hand and said..."Hi, you played a great game're one hell of a player"
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Pitch selection is something that I harp on all the time w/ my daughter. I think it's such a big part of hitting. But I just don't know if there is anything that can be said that is helpful immediately after a bad choice has been made. She lets one go down the middle. What do you say right then and there that she doesn't already know? On the flipside, she swings and misses a high one. "Come on now, that one was at your head!'' Truthful, but has any batter swung and missed a ball at her head that she didn't realize was a mistake?

Another common admonition: "Be aggressive up there!" I don't like to use the word aggressive because I'm not sure what that means, nor am I sure what the player is hearing in that advice. Aggressive doesn't mean swing at anything you think you can put a bat on. You're always looking to hit the ball until you recognize that it's not a good pitch to hit. If that's what aggressive means, that's fine, but I'm afraid a player will take ''be aggressive'' as an excuse to make bad decisions in the name of aggression. IMO, it's better to emphasize being ''smart'' and using that word instead. You can be too aggressive, but you can't be too smart.
May 6, 2014
Low and outside
Its a MAJOR pet peeve of mine when my girls let meatballs go right down main street! I will never say now you've seen it. This implies its okay to let good pitches go past you.

But it is okay to let good pitches go past you. That's why they give you three of them. Sooner or later, a hitter has to learn her limitations. If she knows she doesn't hit the inner half well, do you want her to swing at that pitch just because it's a strike, and hit it poorly, or would you rather she let it go and wait for a pitch she knows she can drive?

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