Stupid Things Coaches Say...

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Apr 25, 2010
This past weekend, we played a team where their weenie 3rd base coach thought he had the pitch calls figured out. He would call out "fastball, time it up". The pitch call he thought was a fastball was a pitcher's choice. Once our pitcher noticed the 3rd base coach calling out, she threw a filthy changeup to end the inning. As soon as the batter k'd, the pitcher(my DD) grinned then HC yelled out in"nice". The 3rd base coach looked at the ground and mumbled "you're allowed to change it". What an idiot. Yes, we did win. Interestingly enough, that pitch call was pitcher's choice the entire game, so he really screwed his players by interjecting himself into the game.
Oct 10, 2011
Our TB Coach keeps yelling...
"Stop playing like you're on your High School Team!"
Well, two of our parents coach HS teams and our high school team has four 18U Gold players, plus my DD 18U A, and the rest play on good A or B teams. He's not too bright LOL.
Oct 22, 2009
I know the parents think this is stupid, but I love to tell my players that have to leap to catch a line drive:

"Great catch! I almost saw daylight under your cleats!"
May 14, 2010
What a coach says after a player fouls 2 balls and then watches strike 3 down the middle: "Good at bat."

What the coach wants to say, "I can't believe you just stood there and watched strike 3. At what point in our practices, did you learn that? You have probably just removed yourself from the game."

Which do you want them saying to your daughter? "Good at Bat" doesn't sound so stupid now, does it? Much more positive than what is really running through their head!
Dec 29, 2010
What a coach says after a player fouls 2 balls and then watches strike 3 down the middle: "Good at bat."

What the coach wants to say, "I can't believe you just stood there and watched strike 3. At what point in our practices, did you learn that? You have probably just removed yourself from the game."

Which do you want them saying to your daughter? "Good at Bat" doesn't sound so stupid now, does it? Much more positive than what is really running through their head!
Neither, I want the coach to say to her in a private conversation "Sally why didn't u you swing at that strike it was in middle of the plate? NO yelling or belittling the player. Let the player tell you why she didnt swing. Find out the cause not the drama of the result.
Feb 17, 2014
I like it when my DW yells at DD after ball 1, "Don't lose her!"

We like to tell our pitchers to "Get tough" or "Get mean" when they are struggling. I don't know if it works, but I guess it is better than telling them to just throw strikes.
May 14, 2010
Neither, I want the coach to say to her in a private conversation "Sally why didn't u you swing at that strike it was in middle of the plate? NO yelling or belittling the player. Let the player tell you why she didnt swing. Find out the cause not the drama of the result.

That's a great theory. But I may not be able to have that good conversation until 4 hours later. After she may have been benched. After we have played 3 more games. It may not be until next weekend. So if I say nothing, she is free to assume that the world rests on her shoulders and she let me down, thereby dooming the earth and all civilization. If I say something slightly positive, she might not dwell on that 3rd strike the next 5 at bats.
Jun 9, 2009
"Now you've seen it..."
This is what they say to a batter after having been instructed to take the first pitch every at bat.
That's our cue to just throw the first one right down main street. Easy way to get ahead!

You're assuming an awful lot here. I say this to a hitter when she has taken a pitch I think she should have swung at.
May 11, 2014
one from the other day. 90 degrees, humid, sun just a blazin down, during pregame warmups our 1st baseman(AC's dd) misses everything, doesnt even try, just whines about how hot it is and the sun in her eyes etc. after a few minutes of this, AC(mom) tells her if she misses the next ball, she's gonna go sit in the dugout for the rest of warmups. after the next ball rolls past her, off to the shaded dugout she goes to sip water and talk to her friends through the fence while the rest of the team sweats their backsides off. bet you will never guess who started at 1st base when the game began. smh.
How about in a 12U rec league game when a player stomps off the field having just struck out and tosses her helmet? The coach benched her (not disagreeing with that, necessarily) but then, at the top of his lungs, continued to yell at her, made her go sit in the stands away from the dugout and told her team (and everyone remotely near the field) that they were now going to lose because "our best player, Kelly" can't control her temper.

So, not only did he tell his entire rec team that they were crap without "Kelly", but he demonstrated, possibly, the origin of her temper problems.
Hmmm. I'm currently recruiting a player named Kelly. She's a fiery beast. Wonder if it's the same kid? :)

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