Still crazy after all these years

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May 7, 2008
A take off on the crazy pitching parents. Much to my surprise, my DD showed up to catch a lesson for me, tonight. She will be 25, in a week and hasn't played ball since she was 17. She was a pitcher, first baseman and OF.

Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Good stuff Amy. Once you live the game it's in your heart. I've recently started working ( again ) with young BB pitchers, I'd almost forgotten how magical the feeling was, I've been out of that loop for a few years. I'd be willing to bet your GDD will soon be benefiting from her mom and GM ( grand mom ) very soon. :)

Enjoy those times.
May 7, 2008
Timothy, You got that right. The GDD has been with me at lessons, since day one. She is approaching 4 and is getting more adventurous. But, I will be 60 in January and catching this particular young lady (8th grader) and watch a toddler was stretching my abilities. Plus, I don't have a lot of videos of DD, since her HS days were several years ago.
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Oct 4, 2011
I remember the days of trying to do one thing while watching my toddlers (mine was trying to hit a tennis ball while watching the kiddos out of the corner of my eye) - watching your video actually made my heart start to pound as I subconsciously remembered that feeling: hit the ball, look. Hit, look. Hit hit , look.

My DH was still playing semi-pro baseball when the kids were really little - I cherish the memories of DD, age 4, standing at the fence saying "get a good hit, Daddy!". I can't believe the tables are now turned and DH is teaching his daughter to "get a good hit" - thanks for the walk down memory lane, Amy!
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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Amy, my dd was talking to members of the basketball team and they asked her, due to her height, if she had ever played basketball. She said that she had and that she began her "basketball career" as a cone for dribbling drills. Believe it or not, I used to set her in the middle of the floor while she was in her car seat and have the boys do a spin drill at her spot. One player once asked me what would happen if he hit her. I told him that I knew no one would because we paid so much attention to detail. DD has seen the practice film of that. LOL.

It is great bringing up young ones in these environments. It will become "all that they will know."

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