Should a Select Team play Rec Ball?

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Oct 4, 2011
Why on earth are they calling themselves "select" if they are going to play rec? When I was learning to play the piano (as an adult) it would have done me absolutely no good whatsoever to have Mozart come along, bump me to the side and start playing the piano over me as I was trying to learn a C major scale.

What the OP's coach is doing is selfish, wrong, and does nothing to further the sport. I hear an awful lot about coaches who register down a division with the explanation that they are going to play "up" in age level. A 10U team registering C, for example, so they can play 12U C, is ridiculous. If you really want to play "up", play 12U A. Then you are truly playing "up".
May 7, 2008
Well, no. I realize this is what Little League has become, but at least they are split up on other teams. My travel ball girls have to slow down their overhand throws just to warm up with most rec girls.

There are other things the girls can do, if they aren't playing enough TB games, but to use a rec game for practice is not my version of fun.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Sounds like the coach in question has no clue and is hoping that the team magically will get better by playing rec league games against inferior competition during the week, when that time should be spent practicing the things that the competitive select games identified. In addition to taking gross advantage of the rec league, this strategy doesn't bode well for the team's development and performance on the select circuit.
Jun 11, 2013
I don't have a huge problem with TB kids playing Rec if they can schedule it. It may give some kids a chance to play some positions or get circle time, they wouldn't get. I do have a problem with taking a TB team and having them play rec as a team. You will get nothing from it and would be better off finding outer TB teams to scrimmage or just go ahead and play some tournaments.

I do caution the schedule part. My DD a couple of years ago had signed up for fall ball but later made a TB team. We talked to the rec coach who was more than happy to have her play when she could, but we missed most practices and over 1/3 of the game, but we would never do it again. It wasn't fair to the other kids on the team.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
IMO, it would depend on the makeup of the rec league program.

If it's designed as an instructional and developmental program for new and intermediate-level players, then the "select" team shouldn't WANT to be any part of that because there isn't a decent enough level of competition to be productive. Blowing away low-level teams does very little for the development of players on either bench. The league shouldn't allow it to happen.

If the Fall rec program is designed to be open to "select" teams formed from a rec all-star team, then it's probably a good fit. My 9yo DD is in this situation.


Feb 20, 2012
Most TB teams in GA never go back to rec ball. I know some areas of the country require their TB players to participate in the rec league as a condition for use pf their facilities. When they do this they will divide the TB players up onto different rec teams in an attempt to make the teams equal. Put a TB or Select Team in a rec league is counter productive for everyone.
Mar 23, 2014
Playing up is fine and fair to the rec ball girls. Forfeits are not okay, in my book, because the rec ball girls lose out on playing. Fall ball has tradionally been to develop players, try out new positions, get more playing time; allow girls that enjoy the sport in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Perhaps I'm naive but I've not seen anyone start ball on a TB or Select team. We must respect rec ball because this is were the players start. When I look around, I see less and less players signing up for rec ball. It makes sense as they get older but not for the incoming younger age groups. While there is competition with other sports, this type of behavior helps reinforces players/parents choices for other sports.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
This Team is also the All Star Team from the Spring. So yes, we would have a huge advantage on the rec teams. It's just not right in my view. And I'm upset that the coach can't see this.

Seems like you already know the answer but want someone else to say I will..."Coach, this is a joke and my DD will not participate. It's either TB only or we find another team."
Jul 29, 2013
North Carolina
DON'T DO IT !! There is nothing to be gained and I know this from experience. Last year was our first year in 12U TB and we practiced every Tuesday & Thursday and this team has been together since first year 10U. Anyway, last year our HC decided to sign us up in our county rec league which played games on guess which days? He said we would use this as practice and give our girls more game time.
As a team we backed up ! Our practices are 3 times harder and more intense and we could'nt hit good faster pitching on weekends.

I think it was maybe our third game and we were up like 14-0 when the other team made a pitching change. On the girls first warm up pitch the catcher threw the ball high and hit the girl on the bottom of her face mask right on the chin. Did'nt hurt the girl and I think I'm the only person who saw it happen besides the pitcher & catcher. She tried to catch it like a 5yo the first time you put a glove on their hand, you know straight arm and palm up.......Well, we have 6 or 7 girls on this team who can hit a ball through a pitcher !
I went straight to the dugout and gave the girls two choices, either you bunt or if you're right handed you have to hit left handed and
vice versa. That was our last game ! Your situation may be different but it was a horrible experience for us. Me and the HC had a few
words but he later told me he should'nt have enter our girls in rec.

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