Sexist Image Part 2

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Jun 12, 2015
If they did one for baseball players or whatever too then it's not sexist, just equally shallow on both sides.


witty softball quote
Sep 11, 2014
Pacific NW
Came across this on my FB feed today. Made me think of previous thread. Not sure if anyone has come across this, but its from November 2014

So is this really sexist? Or just getting exposure? Now the site this came from, Ive never even heard of until today. So not sure how reputable they are in the sports reporting.

The 9 Hottest Softball Players: Female Edition

I'm a woman, and it doesn't bother me. The women represented here *are* hot, and judging by some of the bikini pics, they know it. As the first thread brought up, somehow it seems like we've decided as a culture that a woman is really edgy if she's sexy and an athlete - which is just ridiculous. Humans are multi-faceted, and we all wear different hats. I don't go to work in an evening gown, and I don't attend formal occasions in my hiking clothes. Hey, ladies, be sexy if you want to. Or don't. I don't care. Just make dang sure that whatever you're doing gives you a sense of pride, accomplishment, and empowerment.

And another point is that there are multiple articles on how hot the men are, too. Of course none of them are in speedos or shirtless (I'm assuming because these photos don't exist or haven't been made public) and I certainly did check all of them because, you know, RESEARCH.

The best thing I can do is teach my daughter not to judge other women for being whatever the heck they want to be. Yep, these women are hot. But they are also smart, powerful, and accomplished. So come for the pretty outsides (no makeup wearing faces, I might add) and stay for the depth.

Hottest MLB Players - MLB Postseason
World Series: 9 Hottest MLB Players In The World Series
Mar 13, 2010
It's not something I'm a fan of but i don't think it's sexist.

My question if something is sexist is 'if this were men would they do it?' In this case yes they would. We have multiple 'hottest men in baseball' stuff.


witty softball quote
Sep 11, 2014
Pacific NW
We should do this for DFP.

Thread should read. "Hottest Dads on DFP ". Or "Hottest Moms of DFP "

My entry would go something like this:

Here we have MAMBM. [See photo that only shows the top of my head, sporting team logo hat, as I am holding piles of food, clothing, blankets, a portable heater, water bottles, and a fan] She likes long walks from the parking lot, Summer evenings on the bleachers, and nonsensical conversations at 5am about hydration and punctuality. Her claim to fame is that she can get white pants white again - and she carries her balls with her because you never know when you'll need them. And the best thing about her? She *always* has a pen, sunblock, and throat lozenges that mysteriously taste like lotion in her purse.

HAWWWWT, ammIright?? :cool:


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
We should do this for DFP.

Thread should read. "Hottest Dads on DFP ". Or "Hottest Moms of DFP "

Let me steal a quote here from William Sherman. "If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve." Besides, I'm uglier than dirt.

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