Safety Bag Rules

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Aug 20, 2009
Bristol pa
Over the years, this has happened on a few occasions and I always needed clarification as to the rules. I am hoping that some of the experts will shed some light on this topic. Here is the situation: Batter hits ball to an infielder. She runs to the orange “safety bag”. The fielder covering 1st base touches the orange base, not the white base. Is the base runner safe? Does an errant throw change the rule? Also, what is the ruling if the fielder has her foot on the orange bag and the white bag at the same time? Is this interference or obsruction because she is blocking the runners normal path to the base? Recently on a bunt attempt, we had a runner collide with the right fielder who was literally 2 steps directly behind the orange base. Our runner was called out and was injured on the play. When I asked the umpire for a ruling on safety, he said that he did not see what happened after the play, so he could not make a ruling. Again, I thought that this would be defensive obstruction because the fielder was making a conscience effort to block our runner’s path after she tug 1st base. Please help an old guy out here. Thanks, D’E


Jun 22, 2008
Batter hits ball to an infielder. She runs to the orange “safety bag”. The fielder covering 1st base touches the orange base, not the white base. Is the base runner safe?

Assuming we are still talking about the BR, yes. Little difficult to understand since your explanation seems to be redundant.

Does an errant throw change the rule?


Also, what is the ruling if the fielder has her foot on the orange bag and the white bag at the same time?

Did the defender touch the right base while in possession of the ball?

Is this interference or obsruction because she is blocking the runners normal path to the base?

It isn't possible to have INT on the defense.

Recently on a bunt attempt, we had a runner collide with the right fielder who was literally 2 steps directly behind the orange base. Our runner was called out and was injured on the play. When I asked the umpire for a ruling on safety, he said that he did not see what happened after the play, so he could not make a ruling

I have no idea what you mean by "ruling on safety" since there is no such animal in the rule book. Then again, I have no idea how this is INT unless there was another play to be had and the runner did something to interfere and how could he make a ruling if he didn't see what happened?

Again, I thought that this would be defensive obstruction because the fielder was making a conscience effort to block our runner’s path after she tug 1st base.

Path to where?
Last edited:
Mar 13, 2010
If the first base's foot is fully on the orange base, then the runner is safe.

If her foot is half and half, she is out.

The right fielder who was two steps behind the base, should have had interference called on her. I've had it called on me when I've been standing in a runners way.
Dec 12, 2009
I have seen many instances on a bunt, where the RF coming in to back up the throw positions herself just about on the foul line, and very close to 1B, directly where the BR is going if she runs through the bag. I am not sure how the obstruction rule should apply in this instance, but IMO it should be called obstruction on RF because a) she may cause the BR to slow up prior to reaching 1B in order to avoid a collision; and b) once the BR runs past 1B, she still has the option to turn and continue to 2B, and RF is obstructing her from doing that. At a minimum, if RF took this postion, and there is a mis-handled throw to 1B, then the BR should be protected to 2B on an obstruction call.


Jun 22, 2008
I have seen many instances on a bunt, where the RF coming in to back up the throw positions herself just about on the foul line, and very close to 1B, directly where the BR is going if she runs through the bag. I am not sure how the obstruction rule should apply in this instance, but IMO it should be called obstruction on RF because a) she may cause the BR to slow up prior to reaching 1B in order to avoid a collision;

This is a valid OBS call if the umpire believes the runner checked up because of that, BUT it isn't likely to be called unless F9 is realy close to the base and the play on the BR is going to be close. To be honest, this is not a logical call as the RF shouldn't be able to get over there and station themselves that quickly, but I guess it can be done. You also have to remember, there is a reasonable responsibility of the runner to be progressing. Selecting to stop prior to approaching a base ....... well, isn't smart.

and b) once the BR runs past 1B, she still has the option to turn and continue to 2B, and RF is obstructing her from doing that.

No, you cannot rule OBS on a "what if" or "coulda, woulda or shoulda".

At a minimum, if RF took this postion, and there is a mis-handled throw to 1B, then the BR should be protected to 2B on an obstruction call.

No, not unless the BR was OBS after she was no longer a BR.


Jun 22, 2008

If an errant throw draws the defender away from the base into foul territory to the point where the defender MUST RETURN to the base, the defender and runner MAY use either portion of the base.

Did the defender touch the right base while in possession of the ball?

Answers itself. Defender has control of the ball and is touching the white portion of the base, the BR is out.

It isn't possible to have INT on the defense.

INT is a violation on the offense.

I have no idea what you mean by "ruling on safety" since there is no such animal in the rule book.

It sounds like you wanted an umpire to make a ruling simply because you think there is a safety interest. There are rules and equipment based upon safety, but the umpire does not have the authority to go beyond the rules simply because s/he believes something isn't particulary safe or could be safer.

Path to where?

For OBS to be called, the runner must be progressing toward a base
Apr 7, 2010
I have a slightly different situation involving the safety bag. Let's say there's a dropped third strike and the catcher picks up the ball behind the plate and goes to throw to the first baseman. The path of the ball from behind the plate to the first baseman will cross the foul line, and possibly hit the batter/runner. I'd prefer the first baseman to setup in foul territory to await the throw so as to avoid the ball crossing the foul line. What would the call be if the first baseman's foot was on the orange bag in this situation?
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
patsox--If the 1B is setup in foul territory then you are looking to
have fielder obstruction on a close play. The safety bag is designed for the
runner to run and cross the base in foul territory. What do you not understand
about the definition of 'safety bag'

do I smell a troll?
Apr 7, 2010
I imagine you don't understand my question. Perhaps I wasn't clear. If the catcher picked up the ball behind the plate and threw to a first baseman in foul territory, if the throw was on target there's no chance of the runner being hit. If the first baseman was in fair territory and the catcher made the same throw, on a close play it's likely the runner may be hit by the throw due to the path of the ball crossing from foul into fair territory.
Mar 15, 2010
patsox--If the 1B is setup in foul territory then you are looking to
have fielder obstruction on a close play. The safety bag is designed for the
runner to run and cross the base in foul territory. What do you not understand
about the definition of 'safety bag'

do I smell a troll?

In section 8 of the ASA rules there is a rule that clarifies the defensive player and/or the batter-runner can use either side of the bag. I don't have my rule book with me so I can't quote the exact section within 8 but the gist of the rule is: On any force out attempt from the foul side of first base, or an errant throw pulling the defense off of the base into foul ground, the defense and the batter-runner can use either the white or colored portion

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