Rick Pauly courses

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Jun 29, 2021
My question is can the PG courses benefit an older pitcher who needs some remedial work, or is it too late? Where would you even start?

My daughter struggles with flexibility. She's as strong as a bull, but sometimes I feel that can hinder her performance. When she had her metrics tested in September of 2022, she had the strongest grip the woman doing the testing had ever seen. I've tried to get her to do yoga, but she resists. She throws very hard, but she needs more elite spin to be the best she can be.
Aug 1, 2019
My question is can the PG courses benefit an older pitcher who needs some remedial work, or is it too late? Where would you even start?

My daughter struggles with flexibility. She's as strong as a bull, but sometimes I feel that can hinder her performance. When she had her metrics tested in September of 2022, she had the strongest grip the woman doing the testing had ever seen. I've tried to get her to do yoga, but she resists. She throws very hard, but she needs more elite spin to be the best she can be.
As a PG certified coach, I say yes. As to where to start, probably need more assessment on your DD. Browse through the Course Glossary on the website and you'll see what fits your DD's needs. His elite level courses go in depth on movement pitches including increasing spin rates since that's what it sounds like you're after. (I am presuming she has a good base of proper mechanics that are similar to what is taught in the beginner and intermediate levels). Then I would recommend you go straight to the source and contact Rick. He's always been good to respond when I've had questions for him.
Jan 25, 2022
Has any seen the course on spiral lines from Rick’s site?

It looks interesting.

I haven't seen the course but I was on the zoom presentation last year when they first introduced it. Shaun Walker presented it. It was really interesting.

If I recall correctly, it's about the interconnection of different muscles via a common fascia path that can be utilized to create power through manual manipulation like mobility movements, stretching, or direct pressure. The concept or discovery (?) of spiral lines has been around for many years. I'm just not sure how much it's been studied or applied to sports--and pitching in-particular.

I would consider it to be something you're looking into when trying to make progress with an advanced pitcher, but I may be wrong on that. Shaun gave one example where he applied pressure to a certain area of the back using a massage stick. I believe he had just pressed it firmly a few times into that area to temporarily provide fascial release. I believe the number the girl threw immediately following was an additional 2mph. Or maybe it was even 4mph.
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
I haven't seen the course but I was on the zoom presentation last year when they first introduced it. Shaun Walker presented it. It was really interesting.

If I recall correctly, it's about the interconnection of different muscles via a common fascia path that can be utilized to create power through manual manipulation like mobility movements, stretching, or direct pressure. The concept or discovery (?) of spiral lines has been around for many years. I'm just not sure how much it's been studied or applied to sports--and pitching in-particular.

I would consider it to be something you're looking into when trying to make progress with an advanced pitcher, but I may be wrong on that. Shaun gave one example where he applied pressure to a certain area of the back using a massage stick. I believe he had just pressed it firmly a few times into that area to temporarily provide fascial release. I believe the number the girl threw immediately following was an additional 2mph. Or maybe it was even 4mph.

I’m going to get the course.
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
Let me know how that goes afterward. I don't have any kids at that level really, unless it's a lot more applicable to less experienced pitchers than I thought

It’s about spirals. Goata uses the spirals. There’s a really cool exercise in the course.
Most of the spirals I already knew about. It’s not ground breaking to me, but if your just learning than I think it’s a good course.
Dec 12, 2023
I've just torn through the Intermediate and Elite courses (Intermediate certified, waiting on Elite) and found them fascinating and chock full of information all the way down into the base biomechanics and the symphony they create to generate speed. My DD has a wonderful primary pitching coach - because who listens to Dad as well as a non-parent - but she's an athlete turned coach and being able to fine tune with her buy-in is wonderful when I'm able to explain the basis for the requests.

Looking forward to digging into many of the advanced courses as I need them!
Jan 25, 2022
I've just torn through the Intermediate and Elite courses (Intermediate certified, waiting on Elite) and found them fascinating and chock full of information all the way down into the base biomechanics and the symphony they create to generate speed. My DD has a wonderful primary pitching coach - because who listens to Dad as well as a non-parent - but she's an athlete turned coach and being able to fine tune with her buy-in is wonderful when I'm able to explain the basis for the requests.

Looking forward to digging into many of the advanced courses as I need them!
The best advice I can give you now is to watch tons and tons of video of bad pitching. Get on the facebook pitching advice groups. Pick it apart and learn where the fault BEGINS, as opposed to just spotting it. It's pretty much always the step behind the fault that will correct the fault. Read the comments after you review the video. See how you did. There's a mixture of complete advice, incomplete advice, and horrible advice.

Now that you know exactly what to look for, you'll see that the type of kids in those videos are the kids you'll see most often elsewhere, whether it's a student or an opponent. Most pitchers are wonky in some capacity, whether they're effective or not.

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