Pick Up Question

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Aug 26, 2015
So, there is a tournament coming up this weekend and a couple teams need pick up players for it. DD is 9 and has never played TB. What kinds of questions should I ask the coaches of the teams who need the players before I decide to give up a bye week Saturday?
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Playing time is the big question. Is she just there as a safety net or is she going to get to play?

If she is hung up on specific positions ask about that.

DD has been picked up a few times and has always had a good experence.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Quincy is right - Ask how they plan to use her. Then decide if that is something that appeals to your family and DD. The biggest problem that occurs w/ pickup players is that player/family expects one thing, gets another, and now they're mad. Happens every weekend somewhere in America.
Jan 8, 2013
South Carolina
Quincy is right - Ask how they plan to use her. Then decide if that is something that appeals to your family and DD. The biggest problem that occurs w/ pickup players is that player/family expects one thing, gets another, and now they're mad. Happens every weekend somewhere in America.

Usually the coach will come out and tell you how he handles pick-up players and the situation. But if not, then just ask as Coogans and Quincy have stated. My DD picked up a lot in 12u because she needed mound time to develop. There were always teams looking for pitchers. Be ready, there are situations where not all parents will be happy you and DD are there if you are taking playing time from others.
Jul 16, 2008
What Coogans said is absolute!!! We had a little situation last Summer where the HC asked for a pick up player. When he showed me the line up she wasn't listed, I told him I think anytime you ask for a pick up player, they play... otherwise why even ask? After a few minutes of jawing at him, he did play her.

I am NOT a fan of asking for pick up players just to have 11 or 12 players without playing them. UNLESS it is totally communicated to the player and parents they are only there just in case... example that I am OK with (player A playing 14U is asked to pick up on an 18U team that just needs a "in case" player. And they know this upfront)

Other than that... nope, pick up players play.
Mar 20, 2014
I agree with what the others have said. DD has picked up quite a bit through the years. We always ask up front what her roll will be (starter or sub), where he plans to bat her and how much playing time she will get. We also find out as much as we can about the team and the competition. Then we weigh the answers against the cost of traveling to the tournament and make a decision. With very few exceptions it has been a good experience. Be prepared though for backlash from some parents-I have had a couple get in my face because my DD is playing every inning while their kid sits. I just smile and tell them to speak with their coach...
Feb 7, 2013
Be prepared though for backlash from some parents-I have had a couple get in my face because my DD is playing every inning while their kid sits. I just smile and tell them to speak with their coach...

This is exactly why team's should use pick-up players sparingly and the coaches first "loyalty" should be with the player who is on the team, paying monthly dues, and practicing regularly with the team. If the coach is looking to pick-up a "ringer" in an attempt to win a tournament, this is a recipe for disaster. Seen that scenario play out many times before...
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
DD has quest players for her Team which I have not been happy with, my target has always been the coach. Your DD is good, there are no bad quest players, it is your fault?

My question to you is how she got so good and thank you for coming out.

My question to the coach cannot be posted on the board.

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