PGF Dbl elimination format

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Jan 27, 2010
I understand PGF is big out west and heard some good things about their tourneys on this site. They have migrated East and DD's team will be playing in their first PGF National Qualifier tournament this weekend in Newtown, PA. The format is double elimination. You have one game assigned. Win and stay in the winner's bracket. Lose and drop to the "other" bracket. Seems sort of like WCWC. I did notice that not all teams play the 8 am game and DD's team gets a by from the early game and will start at 10. Anyone know the way the seeding works? Are teams ranked?

I hope the coaches remind the girls that they could be done on Saturday if you lose two games.
Jan 25, 2011
you play as long as you win. If you fall into the losers bracket you have to keep winning until you reach the finals. Then you play against the last team in the winners bracket. At that point you have to beat them twice, to win the show. Most double elimination tourneys, there are no seeding or ranked. If you know this is "A" level tournaments or what ever level, you can play or be two and BQ. At least when I played slowpitch thats how it worked. Spent a good many saturdays and sundays playing back to back games, because we lost on friday.
Jan 17, 2012
Saturday? DD's team once lost 2 on Friday afternoon and evening in a DE qualifier - after an 8 hour drive mind you. This is generally regarded as a low point in her softball journey. We can laugh about it now, sort of.
Feb 3, 2011
I understand PGF is big out west and heard some good things about their tourneys on this site. They have migrated East and DD's team will be playing in their first PGF National Qualifier tournament this weekend in Newtown, PA. The format is double elimination. You have one game assigned. Win and stay in the winner's bracket. Lose and drop to the "other" bracket. Seems sort of like WCWC. I did notice that not all teams play the 8 am game and DD's team gets a by from the early game and will start at 10. Anyone know the way the seeding works? Are teams ranked?

I hope the coaches remind the girls that they could be done on Saturday if you lose two games.

It all depends on the format that the local TD has decided upon.

My DD's team 'won' one of their so-called qualifiers without ever facing another top team - including a team they have not beaten all season - in the tournament. In fact, when the teams showed up to play, they discovered it wasn't a 'tournament' at all anymore. When teams were solicited and paid the high entry fee, they were given a 5-game guarantee. Then things got switched to double elimination. And then a day or 2 before we showed up, the promoter simply set up the draw and said if you win your first 2 games, you get a berth and are done for the weekend.

Needless to say, parents and coaches were very upset because we felt it was a waste of time and money. Many people complained, so the TD made some changes and ran another qualifier 3-4 weeks later with a bunch of different teams and this time, they got the 5-game guarantee, with some teams getting 6 games. They still did not play the tournament out, though, to get a single winner.

I'm not saying that every PGF promoter will manage their qualifying events that way, but that is what we experienced this spring. I don't mind a full double-elimination format, so long as it's being played out.
Jan 27, 2010
I know the guy who is the director and imagine he'll put one a decent tourney. Was just a little surprised by the format having always watched pool play into single or double elimination. Now I suspect the pool play at Pony Nats was just to get those kids who were going to lose their two elimination games some extra playing time to justify the costs of attending. And I'm ok with that having had to drive home on Wednesday in the past.


Crazy Daddy
Oct 31, 2008
I understand PGF is big out west and heard some good things about their tourneys on this site. They have migrated East and DD's team will be playing in their first PGF National Qualifier tournament this weekend in Newtown, PA. The format is double elimination. You have one game assigned. Win and stay in the winner's bracket. Lose and drop to the "other" bracket. Seems sort of like WCWC. I did notice that not all teams play the 8 am game and DD's team gets a by from the early game and will start at 10. Anyone know the way the seeding works? Are teams ranked?

I hope the coaches remind the girls that they could be done on Saturday if you lose two games.

DD's team is in an 18 Gold National qualifier this weekend in Stockton, CA with the same format. Lose twice and take the drive of shame, on the same day you start. We have taken that drive in the past and it is a quiet one :)
Jan 27, 2010
It was talked about tonight at practice. I think the coach was trying to impress upon the team that there is not second day if they do not bring their A game and play with urgency.
Nov 29, 2009
What PGF has been doing is having the teams play two "exposure" pool play games that do not figure into the seeding for the brackets. The brackets are seeded through a blind draw that lead to a DE tournament.

Now here is the kicker. If a team has their PGF berth already they are not allowed play in another qualifier unless they give up their berth. So what the TD's are doing is having the teams who have already qualified play round robins amongst themselves. While some of the top teams may be there at the tournament they are actually not playing in the qualifying portion of the tournament.
Jan 27, 2010
I read that about losing your berth if you play again. I guess it's so really dominate teams don't win all the tourneys and keep out some decent teams that would make the cut otherwise.

We have a team like that in NJ right now. Glad to see they skip some of the 14U and play up.

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