Os acromiale

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Jan 17, 2024
Has anyone had their pitcher daughter deal with Os acromiale in the shoulder? If so, what was your experience? Non-operative treatment hasn't done much. Curious if anyone has had a daughter who pitched through/with it. Daughter has 2 years of college left and just wants to pitch through it. Not sure if that's feasible. Meeting with doc again today, but was curious if anyone else has dealt with this.
Jan 17, 2024
I posted the question, so I thought I'd post a follow-up... Met with doc and they're gonna try another a cortisone shot in a slightly different spot. If that doesn't work, then it's surgery at semester break. Six weeks of doing nothing. 4 months total til she's back to 100% and pitching. She'll miss at least half the season if she ends up having surgery and all goes well.

Os acromiale - basically the growth plate in the shoulder never fused, so there is gap between the bones. Something she had all her life but never bothered her til this past May. All the tissue/muscle/stuff in there is inflamed and angry. Surgery means taking a bone from a cadaver and and screwing everything into place. Should be pain free afterwards, but not sure how, if at all, it would affect her pitching. Fun times. <--- sarcasm

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