new A/B/C classifications for ASA?

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Jun 29, 2013
We're doing it in our league, kind of surprised everyone and everyone has a ton of questions about it. But, for better or worse, its here. My understanding is that the kids chosen for this team are not going to play on a "regular" rec team, this will be it, they may play other teams in the rec league but they won't also be on another team. I am worried about dilution of talent for the rec leagues, hopefully this will provide some opportunities for those who do choose to play rec ball. I think it is good to classify rec league all-star teams as C, they just get killed when they play Travel B teams in the bigger tournaments.
Jul 24, 2013
as elk grove said... we are likely doing it as well...

in our area, the B is completely Fu*ked. Tons of shady teams that practice in the dark together all spring, and form "after" rec ends to be a B team, to get trophies, and get nationals berths for winning tourneys... then continue to play together all fall and winter. Everyone knows it. they come in to tourneys with real all star teams that are rec. and roll everyone. it is brutal and sad. We had a team come from the Bay area. All matching gear. KILLED US. supposed to be a B all star tourney. ON THEIR WEBSITE> talks about how they have clinics every sunday, then play rec, and POOF, magically re form... and play all summer, and fall, and winter in A tourneys. UMP asked coach why they were here, drove 3 hours, were obviously in the wrong place... coach says OH WE ARE B, we have played in some A tourneys and did well... but we are B. It is a total scam. and when a rec league all star team, that is truly just a summer squad, has to be "B" and is the same as that, the system is broken. Is this the fix, I dunno...


Jun 22, 2008
Just a heads up. ASA did the same thing in SP a few years back and IMO it backfired. In SP, classifications are based on skill as opposed to FP's team status.

They added the lower level claiming the rec players needed a place to play (which they already had, but an opposing org had a "e", so of course, ASA had to be a follower). An instead of holding the existing teams at the upper levels at which they already qualified, many teams just slide down a level lower and not many commissioners did anything to stop them as they were afraid of losing the registrations.

I'm not suggesting a change in JO will follow the same path, but if you think the commissioners played loose with the code as it pertains to "B" teams and where they play, do you think that will change just because another level was added?

As I stated, just a heads up and be careful of the path your team takes.
Jul 16, 2013
In my area, nearly all teams register as ASA "B". There is a huge disparity in some cases. I believe some of them should be "A", but they intentionally keep themselves as "B" to pad their winning percentage. Some others should be "C", but there are very few "C" level tournaments, so it really doesn't help them anyway. USSSA does a better job of this than ASA in my opinion, at least in this area. I know of teams that have had their classification changed from "B" to "A" due to winning percentage. Some of those same teams have dropped out of tournaments because they didn't want to play those higher ranked teams. Again, trying to pad their winning percentage instead of playing in their talent range. Ideally I would like to see a more consistent rating system for each group.


Jun 22, 2008
In my area, nearly all teams register as ASA "B". There is a huge disparity in some cases. I believe some of them should be "A", but they intentionally keep themselves as "B" to pad their winning percentage. Some others should be "C", but there are very few "C" level tournaments, so it really doesn't help them anyway. USSSA does a better job of this than ASA in my opinion, at least in this area. I know of teams that have had their classification changed from "B" to "A" due to winning percentage. Some of those same teams have dropped out of tournaments because they didn't want to play those higher ranked teams. Again, trying to pad their winning percentage instead of playing in their talent range. Ideally I would like to see a more consistent rating system for each group.

See, that is part of the problem. In ASA Code classification has nothing to do with winning or losing or ability. There are only Gold, A & B levels. If you have a "C", that is strictly local. In ASA, a "B" team is a league team or an all-star team from the same league whereas an A or Gold team has zero restrictions on the pool from which a player may come. A team just couldn't "declare" themselves a "B" team for whatever reason.

This supposed change will most likely give the commissioners the freedom to allow/assign teams to play where they want. Some commissioners have already been doing that, this will just make it legal :) But beware of the trophy hunters, they are out there.
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Jun 11, 2013
I understand the classifications, but shouldn't it be more about how good the teams are. I've seen supposed Rec teams that are middle to good A teams and at the same time you see TB teams that can't even compete in B tournaments. UTrip at least keeps a record of how well you do. It's even worse in the fall when you have teams moving up and others stay down for one more tourney. The way the new setup works, what would prevent an A team from signing up with a rec league as a select team and playing all B tournaments. I don't think that any TD's are going to pull records to verify the kids actually play for the rec leagues.


Jun 22, 2008
I understand the classifications, but shouldn't it be more about how good the teams are. I've seen supposed Rec teams that are middle to good A teams and at the same time you see TB teams that can't even compete in B tournaments. UTrip at least keeps a record of how well you do. It's even worse in the fall when you have teams moving up and others stay down for one more tourney. The way the new setup works, what would prevent an A team from signing up with a rec league as a select team and playing all B tournaments. I don't think that any TD's are going to pull records to verify the kids actually play for the rec leagues.

Teams will play down. This will not stop it and IMO may even advance the practice of playing down

Years ago, there were no real classes. Teams played to play and compete. Many teams knew where they belonged and didn't mind playing up now and then just to test themselves and to improve themselves. Those who did sandbag often became the targets of others including being excluded from some tournaments. Unfortunately, we all know that some tournaments are as focused on revenue as it is competition.

I just think it is a shame that the game has gotten to the point we need all these classes
Jun 11, 2013
We have a league that is doing this, but I'm having a hard time following the logic.

They will have a Select team that will play TB tourneys. The players will not play in Rec games. If this is the case how is it considered a Rec Team. I don't have a problem with the idea, but wouldn't it benefit the league to have these players play for
individual teams. For others that have done this, how to you replenish players. Are you limited to the league, or can you bring in anyone you want if you need more players?
Sep 24, 2013
If I read it right it said ALL Travel Teams will be registered A. Only local rec teams may B meaning you have to play rec to reg B-if you don't play rec (tournies only) you must register A.

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