Never gonna live that down:

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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
The LL Rule is very strict.

This is from the 2014 LL Rule Book:

7.09(h) [The runner is out if,] in the judgment of the umpire, the base coach at third base, or first base, by touching or holding the runner, physically assists that runner in returning to or leaving third base or first base;

The coach gave him a pretty good shove in the back. Seems pretty simple to me.

It is a shame. The coach was trying to take the game away from the kids. Winning or losing should be decided by the next batter and the defensive team, not by some coach trying to show how much smarter he was than a bunch of 12YOA boys.
Last edited:
Sep 29, 2014
The LL Rule is very strict.

This is from the 2014 LL Rule Book:

7.09(h) [The runner is out if,] in the judgment of the umpire, the base coach at third base, or first base, by touching or holding the runner, physically assists that runner in returning to or leaving third base or first base;

The coach gave him a pretty good shove in the back. Seems pretty simple to me.

It is a shame. The coach was trying to take the game away from the kids. Winning or losing should be decided by the next batter and the defensive team, not by some coach trying to show how much smarter he was than a bunch of 12YOA boys.

I just wish these boys (and our girls for that matter) would start to pay attention to the game more and understand for themselves what is happening in the game at any moment...just see so many kids out there playing ball and not a whole lot of ballplayers
Jul 16, 2008
I just wish these boys (and our girls for that matter) would start to pay attention to the game more and understand for themselves what is happening in the game at any moment...just see so many kids out there playing ball and not a whole lot of ballplayers

I've seen so many coaches be yelling between EVERY pitch where the play is supposed to go... Even at 18's, Really? Geez guys let them think for themselves out there. This is exactly where that problem arises... Teach them in practice, then let them do it in the game.
Jul 16, 2008
Oh and Ian.. So you are telling me that that the coach wasn't telling his player to go, then when he didn't, the coach communicated his "go" with a slight push on the lower back towards home.

That is exactly why this rule;
7.09(h) [The runner is out if,] in the judgment of the umpire, the base coach at third base, or first base, by touching or holding the runner, physically assists that runner in returning to or leaving third base or first base;

was written, it clearly is a prime example of what NOT to do as a coach.... I have to ask was it you? Since you are taking such a defensive stand on the issue. Or maybe your park and rec department allows you to do this?


Jun 11, 2015
Oh and Ian.. So you are telling me that that the coach wasn't telling his player to go, then when he didn't, the coach communicated his "go" with a slight push on the lower back towards home.

That is exactly why this rule;
7.09(h) [The runner is out if,] in the judgment of the umpire, the base coach at third base, or first base, by touching or holding the runner, physically assists that runner in returning to or leaving third base or first base;

was written, it clearly is a prime example of what NOT to do as a coach.... I have to ask was it you? Since you are taking such a defensive stand on the issue. Or maybe your park and rec department allows you to do this?

Dear Kevin,

Do you think the kid was physically pushed off the bag?

Do you think the kid decided to leave the base after contact?

How do you define 'physically assists'?

I dont care what you do in your rec league. Mind your own.
Jun 12, 2015
My husband pointed out the kid near 3rd base who sure looked like he was calling time, before all this even happened.
Sep 18, 2011
Players and coaches can request time, until the umpire grants it the ball is live.

Comp - wanted to ask you about that. Any reason why an umpire wouldn't grant time in that situation? Is it as simple as the umpire didn't see the kid asking for time, or was there something about the game situation where the umpire would be less inclined to grant the request for time? Hope that question made sense. Thanks in advance.
Jun 22, 2008
Have no idea why he didn't grant time, but umpires are not suppose to grant it if there is still playing action going on. Perhaps he saw or heard the coach telling the runner to go. It was the defenses mistake for leaving home uncovered, it is not the umpires responsibility to protect them for their mistake.
Jul 16, 2008
Dear Kevin,

Do you think the kid was physically pushed off the bag?

Do you think the kid decided to leave the base after contact?

How do you define 'physically assists'?

I dont care what you do in your rec league. Mind your own.

Pushed off the bag? No, but he was pushed hard enough to understand what the Coach wanted.

Of course the kid went... do I think he would have gone without the coach touching him? No

What does physically assist have to do with it? The rules state; touching, holding, physically assist the runner (note the comma's, means separate issues or combined issues). Let me ask, did the Coach touch the runner?

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