Need HELP with 11U DD frustration

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Jun 14, 2013
Hi everyone-

Maybe this should be in the Parent forum, so excuse me if I'm mis-posting. My wife and I are at our wits end with softball this year. My daughter is on an 11u travel team this year, it's her third year of playing travel ball. She's always been a little bit of a marginal player, but in the two years that she played 10u, there were two mixed teams (instead of an A/B), so there were always some other players of her level or worse than her on the team. This year, our coaches decided to have a 12u A team, an 11u team, and a 11/12 mixed team. We were a little surprised, and happy, when my daughter got picked for the 11u team.

She's definitely at the bottom of the team talent wise, in hitting and fielding. She has been improving some as the year has gone on, but is still lagging the other girls. As the year has gone on, her role has been getting smaller and smaller on the team. In the past years, she has always been OK sitting on the bench 2-3 innings per game, but this year her self confidence is getting crushed. She has been the bottom of the batting order all year. There have been games where she has sat 3 out 4 innings (we were slaughtered by the other team, which makes it especially odd that the coach wouldn't put her in), say 4 out of 6 innings, and on average sits at least 3 out of every 6 innings. She plays mostly right field, with the occasional bout at 2nd base.

She has been coming home from games crying, she feels like the coach treats her like she is a burden on the team, rather than a player. He will usually give encouragement to players if they have a tough inning in the field or a tough at bat, but rarely to my DD. She's getting to the point where she doesn't want to play anymore. I don't want her to quit, and I know that she will be a decent player on next years 12u B team if she sticks with it.

Softball used to be her favorite thing in the world, now it's a thing she's starting to dread. My wife and I are considering talking to the coach, but I don't know if that will help. I don't understand why my DD is on this team, instead of the mixed team, where she would be a valued starter (even though they're losing most of their games badly). I feel like the coach made a mistake drafting her for this team, but obviously it's too late to do anything about that.

She's never been a complainer, always been fairly happy with her role on the team, but this is starting to really affect her.

Does anyone have any advise on what to say to her, and or the coach? We've been paying for private batting (and some fielding) lessons, to try and increase her level, and it's helped a little...


May 7, 2008
I was going to ask if she is getting private lessons and you answered it. How does she act at those lessons? Is she engaging and happy? Is she coachable or does she just repeat her way of doing it?

If you are comfortable posting a video of her hitting, we could give you some educated advice. Maybe her instruction is wrong.

How often do you play catch and pitch to her? Does she ask you to play or is it the other way around.

There are many reasons why she might have gotten put on the better team. It could be something as simple and you are easy to get along with.
May 25, 2010
Hi everyone-

Maybe this should be in the Parent forum, so excuse me if I'm mis-posting. My wife and I are at our wits end with softball this year. My daughter is on an 11u travel team this year, it's her third year of playing travel ball. She's always been a little bit of a marginal player, but in the two years that she played 10u, there were two mixed teams (instead of an A/B), so there were always some other players of her level or worse than her on the team. This year, our coaches decided to have a 12u A team, an 11u team, and a 11/12 mixed team. We were a little surprised, and happy, when my daughter got picked for the 11u team.

She's definitely at the bottom of the team talent wise, in hitting and fielding. She has been improving some as the year has gone on, but is still lagging the other girls. As the year has gone on, her role has been getting smaller and smaller on the team. In the past years, she has always been OK sitting on the bench 2-3 innings per game, but this year her self confidence is getting crushed. She has been the bottom of the batting order all year. There have been games where she has sat 3 out 4 innings (we were slaughtered by the other team, which makes it especially odd that the coach wouldn't put her in), say 4 out of 6 innings, and on average sits at least 3 out of every 6 innings. She plays mostly right field, with the occasional bout at 2nd base.

She has been coming home from games crying, she feels like the coach treats her like she is a burden on the team, rather than a player. He will usually give encouragement to players if they have a tough inning in the field or a tough at bat, but rarely to my DD. She's getting to the point where she doesn't want to play anymore. I don't want her to quit, and I know that she will be a decent player on next years 12u B team if she sticks with it.

Softball used to be her favorite thing in the world, now it's a thing she's starting to dread. My wife and I are considering talking to the coach, but I don't know if that will help. I don't understand why my DD is on this team, instead of the mixed team, where she would be a valued starter (even though they're losing most of their games badly). I feel like the coach made a mistake drafting her for this team, but obviously it's too late to do anything about that.

She's never been a complainer, always been fairly happy with her role on the team, but this is starting to really affect her.

Does anyone have any advise on what to say to her, and or the coach? We've been paying for private batting (and some fielding) lessons, to try and increase her level, and it's helped a little...



You made a mistake by putting her on that team in the first place. At your DD's age, she needs to be on a team where she's getting plenty of playing time. She doesn't have to be the star player, but she does need to be on the field in order to get better.
Jun 14, 2013
You made a mistake by putting her on that team in the first place. At your DD's age, she needs to be on a team where she's getting plenty of playing time. She doesn't have to be the star player, but she does need to be on the field in order to get better.

We didn't really have much of a choice, and we also didn't know what the team make up was going to be. They held tryouts, where approximately 45 11 and 12 year olds tried out. The very best were selected for the 12u A team. We knew that we weren't going to make that. We didn't even know that there was going to be an 11u team until we got the call from the coach asking us to be on the team. At that time, we weren't sure if there was even going to be a 2nd 12u team or not, so it was basically play on this team or not at all.

Throughout the fall and early spring practices it was hard to tell where everyone's talent lay, it's only been the last month during actual games that this has started to be an issue. If I could go back in time, I would absolutely have her play on the other 12u team. It's just really sad that something that used to be a source of such joy for her has turned in a source of sorrow and depression. It's very painful to watch as a parent. I also think that the coach should have known better as this is his third year coaching her, and he should have known where she stood in regards to the other girls.
Mar 28, 2013
In my opinion she has a decision to make, You have said she is towards the bottom skill wise. If you love softball that means you love practice as well as games.You cannot blame coaches or Teams for the lack of play if your goal is to play more. The good news is that she can turn the tide if you and her are willing to put in the extra work out side of team practice. It wont happen this year but I promise if you get her the help with some instruction and most importantly start practicing with her on your own hitting balls at her, just throwng, soft toss two to three days a week for the six months of off season season she can return as one of the best players on that team. Or even better on another team and crush her old team. I promise the bonding, Time spent with your DD and the life lessons she will learn when she figures out no coach or team can dictate her success will be one of your greatest parenting memories. You will learn allot about life together. Winning games and tournaments is fun but that right there is truly the best thing about the sport.of fastpitch.Its a game but the girls will learn allot about themselves and what they are capable of.You have a great opportunity here to teach your DDs a valuable lesson.As larry the cable guy would Say GET ER DONE!!
Dec 3, 2012
West Coast
Many girls around here work it out so that they play on both Travel and Little League teams. She would get more playing time in and it might help her self confidence and enjoyment as she continues to improve as a player.
Jan 25, 2011
Bucket piñata is right. We all know nothing life that you want really bad doesn't come easy. The time you put in with your dd now, will be worth more then any softball game, she will ever play. Keep it fun. There have been many nights and days, when I needed to mow the lawn or clean the house. But I myself don't think my dd will remember if the lawm was mowed or the house was clean. But she will remember the time we have shared hitting a ball or throwing and most of all talking about things in life, while doing this game that we love.
Jun 14, 2013
Thanks, we have and will continue to work on her skills, both through lessons, and just her and I. In the meantime, my wife and I are meeting with the head coach tomorrow morning, not necessarily to gain her more playing time, but to see if he can make sure to make her feel like a part of the team as she deserves.
Feb 19, 2012
West US
If, at 11u, he's failing to develop players, he's missing the point/purpose,. However, there are coaches like this at 8u and up, and it just gets worse as they get older so the grass isn't always greener....

Develop your DD, keep her in rec ball where she will playing time and experience, hopefully improving, and be willing to accept that for competitive TB she must be mid-pack or better. Bottom of the pack are easily replaced the following year.

The coach isn't doing your daughter a service by benching her.
Oct 25, 2009
The best advice you've had so far is Amy suggesting you put some video on here. I suspect most of the posters on here would jump at a chance to help out in your situation.

I've read of quite a few success stories on here that happened because someone took the time and effort to put a video up. Doesn't have to be fancy, doesn't have to be long (but not too short).

Most importantly at the moment is don't let your DD think that she can't get better. She's kind of branded right now with that coach probably, so she'll have to step it up. Worse thing she can do is believe that she can't.

A couple different times I've instructed players to "ACT" the part of being a champion. How would a champion act? Swagger. Talk them into playing the part and they'' become the part." A story I read somewhere talked about Julia Roberts I believe it was. They said no matter what mood she was REALLY in, if she had to act happy and free, she could act happy and free. That's her job. Even if her puppy had just died, she had to act happy and free. Talk her into trying it.

What would a champion do the day before practice? On the way to practice? At practice? How does a champion interact with the coach? Find out that information and ACT the part until you ARE the part! It works!

And post a video so we can help!!

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