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Nov 29, 2009
Winter swim they hold practice every weeknight, but are only required to go to 2 or 3 a week. Summer practice is in AM each weekday starting once school is over to end of July. Do you think this would be a dealbreaker type issue for a 10u TB coach? Probably also wants to play soccer in fall, but she understands this would be strictly rec, and would come after TB softball. she is 9, trying to let her keep doing as many different things as possible, really hate to limit her to one thing only this young,

Kids at your DD's age want to do everything, and think they can. Be sure she is not over-scheduled. Had a 12U girl a few years back who was doing VB, BB and practicing with our SB team in the winter, all at the same time. I told her mom she was overdoing it. Mom said she wants to do it all.

She ended up in a sling on her throwing arm. Overuse injury to her shoulder. She was ordered to take 8 weeks off by the doctor, ended up being 12. She missed the remaining BB and VB seasons. Barely made it back to SB when we started outside and playing games. She was way behind the rest of the team.

Let her do other things. If she want's to do too much then you'll have to step in as the parent and give her choices that are within reasonable limits. Kinda like the kid standing in front of the big candy dish. My wife's work has a wagon filled with candy for customers. I hear parents tell the kids all the time, "Only one."
May 6, 2015
DW and I are concerned about overscheduling. We try to keep her to one sport per season, but her two loves are swimming and softball, and she wants to excel in both (she alternatively lists her goals as being an Olympic swimmer or professional softball player). Winter swim runs from mid November through mid February, with meets starting in mid December. Summer swim is only from when school lets out to end of July, so it is fairly short. She will have almost entire month of August free from any organized sports. So it will be softball in fall and spring, swim in winter and july, with twice weekly winter softball workouts in winter with about a month break around holiday (TB team takes about 4-6 weeks off around holidays according to coach)

But she has told us she still wants to play LL this spring as well. Two reasons, her friend is playing for first time ever, so she wants to play with her (small league, so we can probably make this happen), and she really wants a chance at All Stars. So we told her it is a real commitment on her part, and TB comes first (priorities will be TB game > LL game > TB practice > LL practice). We are looking at probably one LL practice or two games per week, two TB practices a week, plus weekend tournaments or friendlies. This is all first time TB players on this team, so coach indicted that tournament schedule would be fairly lite. Biggest concern is LL AS play, this will be right as swim starts, could be interesting depending on how far they go.
Sep 28, 2015
I am curious how it is going to work out trying to do both LL and TB in the same season for everyone involved. Maybe your LL is compettitve and the level of play is comparable to TB in which case "right on" that will work. But there is a reason your DD is playing for a TB team and if that is the direction you want to go then jump in with both feet. You sound like a qualified parent/coach that would be better served to practice on your own with DD to improve skills and excel at TB.
Personnaly, I would just do TB and swimming and have the free time to do short quality pitching/fielding/hitting practices with Dad. Then go cheer on her friend in a couple LL games and get ice cream together :)
Good luck!
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
DD had some players that played both and seemed to have a great time. Not for her, each player is different. No right or wrong anwser as far as I am concerned.
May 6, 2015
we left it up to her, but explained what it meant (commitment wise, she will likely be having a softball activity 5-7 days a week, 6-7 if there is a tournament). Also talked to her to that she would have to accept the lower level of skills of teammates in LL, including her friend, and she accepted this. I think a big part of her motivation is to try and help her friend, and make certain the girl has another player on the team fully supporting her (girl is really nice, DD loves hanging out with her, just not particularly athletic). If it will help her enjoy softball more, and help out her friend, I am all for it.

I used to coach her in LL (2 years coach pitch, 2 years 10u), but I am taking a step back now, told league I will be an AC as much as I can be there, but DDs TB team (and older DDs spring FH) takes precedence. Have a feeling they will line up teams (only have two teams) to put DD on team of new parent (new to LL softball, coached in coed coach pitch baseball last year) who wants to coach.

gonna be hard for me to gradually withdraw from LL and coaching. I was kind of roped in first year, but really came to enjoy it. have had to try very hard to mind Ps and Qs during DDs TB workouts, but so far doing a good job, limiting myself to high fives and "good job"s as she goes past for waterbreaks. really think this is gonna be great for her though, because now she will actually listen to the coach, rather than roll her eyes once Dad moves on from giving her some instruction. of course, now that I am not coaching, I am actually learning the most about the game from watching DDs workouts, especially the hitting (hitting instructor seems really good, has really educated himself (and continues to do so).

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