need a motto

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Jan 24, 2014
The only thing that I would say about a team motto is be careful with what you put on the front or back of a t-shirt. If it's worth printing and putting on a shirt, be committed to what it means. Depending on the age of the girls, they probably should be determining what their goals and aspirations are for the upcoming season and they should make the decision (or at least have a stake in the prices) as to what's on their shirt and defining them as a team. A team will only take true ownership in the 'goal' or direction of the team if they are part of the process in its creation. All the sayings and mottos in the world won't make you better unless the girls are committed to working on the areas where they need to improve. My college wrestling coach always said "you can't make chicken salad out if chicken poop" (please don't use that one) and he was absolutely right.

Whatever you come up with, please don't make it something that can ever be construed as arrogant, cocky, self centered, or 'show-boaty'. Remember sportsmanship is a must and make the motto fit who you are and who you desire to be.
Dec 2, 2012
This is something the team should develop. You'll be surprised how good it will be and how much more they will value the outcome. Of course the coaches should guide a bit, but let them run with it. It will help them bond, and they will own/rally around it for the rest of the time they play together. As a coach, I would only asked them to focus on what they want to be, not what they have been. No references to their previous record. Never dwell on the past.
May 1, 2011
"All It Takes (front side of a shirt), Is All You've Got (back side of the shirt)"

This was our team motto when I was 12. Our coach was awesome. We ended up 2 games away from Williamsport. He maintained that if you worked harder in practice than any other team, than the games would be easy (not easy, but you get what I'm saying). If we knew who we were playing, he would ask us at the end of practice "do you think you worked harder than 'insert team name here?" We always answered honestly too. We always broke it out cool too. With everyone's hands in, the 3 Team Captains would shout out "ALL IT TAKES" and when everyone threw their hands up, everyone shouted "IS ALL YOU'VE GOT." Ah...memories.


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