My Daughter has broke her foot...looking for drills

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May 3, 2013
My daughter plays on a travel ball team and has broke her foot. She will be out at least 4 weeks and i am trying to find some drills that she can do without being on her foot. do any of you know of any drills that would keep her practicing her swing or throw. What i do not want to do is mess her up when she is able to use her full body again because the last 4 weeks she hadnt been.

Any advise would be great, and if you think she should just take 4 weeks off and then come back strong let me know that too.



Feb 20, 2012
There are several throwing and swing drills a player can do from her knees or from one knee. She can also continue to do core exercises that do not require the use of her foot.
Nov 26, 2010
I think the best thing to do with a kid who has to stay off her feet, is to watch college games. Give her a scorebook, teach her how to keep score and discuss game situations with her.
why did the throw go to that base?
Why did the runner hold on that hit,
Where should the throw have been
Did the runner make a mistake not taking 3rd.
Why are they walking this batter in this situation.
Discuss game situation and point out superior techniques that the players use, drop steps, backhanding balls....

Work on the mental game when you can't work the physical. If you have 4 weeks of drills on swinging and throwing that isolate the upper body, you might end up with a kid who no longer uses her legs to swing and throw. Drills like that are used to gain something that will be incorporated right away into the full motion. But a month of just doing them could create some issues.

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