Looking for Position Responsibilities Diagram

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Feb 16, 2024
Hi everyone, I’m trying to find a diagram or chart that shows each position (10 fielder if possible) “areas of responsibility” with overlaps to help our team understand what their roles are.

Too often we see a ball between fielders where they’re standing there looking at each other expecting the other player to get or go after the ball when both could have made the play. I know I may end up having to create my own, I haven’t found anything with quick searches.

Also, if anyone has any charts that show “finding work” that each player can do on each play (backing up throws, communication, where do I go? type information) that would be beneficial too (or point me where to go).

Thanks for any help!

Aug 1, 2019
As far as fielders figuring out who should get a 50/50 ball in the air, make sure they understand field position numbers, then a good rule of thumb is the higher number fielder should make the play, with the lower number fielder as a backup. You can make arguments of 8 over 9 when your 8 is the best outfielder.
Jun 11, 2013
You don't say how old the players are but if they are young the best thing to learn is that you do something when the ball is hit. At first they might backup the wrong base or not cover but at least it gets them moving. The other big thing is that you should go for every ball that's in your area. We don't want the F5 trying to field a ball to fist but if it's between 2 fielders they both go until someone calls it.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Ball, Base, Backup

- If I can field the ball I should try to
- If I can't, do I have a base to go to?
- If I don't have a base, where do I backup?

Keeps it nice and simple. No hard decisions or lots of things to remember especially for the younger age groups.
Teach them that and they can play any position and have something to move on with any ball in play.
Jun 6, 2016
As far as fielders figuring out who should get a 50/50 ball in the air, make sure they understand field position numbers, then a good rule of thumb is the higher number fielder should make the play, with the lower number fielder as a backup. You can make arguments of 8 over 9 when your 8 is the best outfielder.

I don't love the number thing because, first, it gives new players who are often overwhelmed something new to learn that they don't really need to know at that time. And, as you pointed out, right field doesn't have priority over center field.

Center field > Corner OF
Outfield > Infield
Shortstop > Other Infielders

I'd start there. It's not comprehensive (2B > 1B, Any infielder > pitcher, etc.), but that'll get you 90% of the way there, and with young ages/inexperienced players, you get them 90% of the way there as quickly as you can and then you focus on the rest.
Aug 1, 2019
I don't love the number thing because, first, it gives new players who are often overwhelmed something new to learn that they don't really need to know at that time. And, as you pointed out, right field doesn't have priority over center field.

Center field > Corner OF
Outfield > Infield
Shortstop > Other Infielders

I'd start there. It's not comprehensive (2B > 1B, Any infielder > pitcher, etc.), but that'll get you 90% of the way there, and with young ages/inexperienced players, you get them 90% of the way there as quickly as you can and then you focus on the rest.
Good points.
Jun 23, 2022
I have a softball coaching and drills book with this chart of which fielder has priority or not compared to others for fly balls:
P - priority over C; no priority over infielders
C - priority over no one particularly 1B and 3B
1B - priority over P and C; no priority 2B and RF
2B - priority over P and 1B; no priority over SS and outfield
3B - priority over P, C, 1B; no priority over SS and LF
SS - priority over P and all infielders, no priority over outfield
LF - priority over infielders, no priority over CF
CF - priority over everyone
RF - priority over infielders, no priority over CF
Oct 25, 2009
The chart that Folder18 posted is good. Along with that, teaching how to perform it on the field is critical.
Players must learn all facets of the communication necessary for it to work. The player having priority should be calling “mine, mine, mine” when she is certain she can make the catch, for example. The player who has an equal chance of catching the ball should give way to the priority position. And could communicate to the priority position by yelling “you, you, you” for example.
There are quite a few situations that can develop so it is very important that position priorities be taught thoroughly. A priority position can give way to a lesser priority in some situations for example. Communication is critical!!

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