Kudos to the folks on this board.

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Sep 30, 2013
This is only a personal observation based only on my reading and exchanges on this board.

Maybe its because I’m “jaded” by baseball folks because of a lifelong link, but I’m finding that the SB folks I’ve run into on this board are typically more knowledgeable than BB folks I deal with on similar boards, and exchanges seem to have a more “civil” tone.

There also seems to be a lot less animosity toward someone new posting, and I've not seen the vitriol toward baseball I've seen so often on baseball boards toward softball. Its refreshing.

I don’t know if there’s a reason for what I observe, but I wish it was something that could be exported. :D


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
I'll second this. There is the odd thread that goes off the deep end, but nothing outrageous and the moderators don't close or delete many user posts.

I do feel that it is just this board though. There are a few baseball-level crazy SB forums out there. Not naming them but most of us know which ones they are.
May 7, 2008
Morris County, NJ
Scorekeeper: If you're looking for a little more "animated" discussion you can try Heybucket and opine on hitting (that will get them started) or go to NJ.com/youthsoftball forum - those folks are just brutal.

I enjoy DFP - the folks here are civilized and respect others opinions even when they're completwly incorrect - LOL !!
Sep 30, 2013
Scorekeeper: If you're looking for a little more "animated" discussion you can try Heybucket and opine on hitting (that will get them started) or go to NJ.com/youthsoftball forum - those folks are just brutal.

I enjoy DFP - the folks here are civilized and respect others opinions even when they're completwly incorrect - LOL !!

Trust me. In more than 15 years participating in baseball discussion on the WWW, I can honestly say I’ve experienced the worst possible, and I didn’t like it one bit. I don’t find it intellectually stimulating to have people calling each other and each other’s children disgusting things. I’ve even had one moron find out my name and attack my son by sending his coach anonymous e-mails claim him to be someone selling drugs to teammates, so I know how bad it can get when vile lies turn your life upside down.

I’m saying I find it enjoyable to be able to have a difference of opinions without all the drama. I enjoy a good verbal jousting match as much as anyone, but the personal stuff gets old very quickly for me.
Jun 18, 2012

I'd say Kudos to (MOST) of the folks on this board. As is the case in any board such as this one, there will be bullies. I guess it feeds their egos. Kudos to those who avoid doing this.
Jun 1, 2013
In order to keep your high opinion of DFP, don't go to hitting technical threads. Those folks make pitching dads look good. Lol.
Jun 24, 2013
My opinion is that Marc decided what type of Forum he wanted to setup, he does not get enough credit and is not very active.

The site also has moderators, Amy, Ray and Ken, which will warn, suspend and ban people from this board if they think they are getting out of hand. They also do not get enough credit.

The moderators spend a lot of time on this site keeping it reasonable.

If you are going to post here to validate your opinion it is probably the wrong place unless you’re an umpire (or Sluggers), otherwise you are going to take some shots. Usually nothing personal though, there are some personally things that are going on like on all internet boards that do not flow over to us.
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Sep 29, 2010
Knoxville, TN
I come to DFP to learn and I always enjoy the brag posts. Love to read about teams and young ladies success. Almost always a positive vibe here.
Jul 25, 2011
Southern Illinois
I come to DFP to learn and I always enjoy the brag posts. Love to read about teams and young ladies success. Almost always a positive vibe here.
I agree, I love hearing the success stories. Not the absurd, which I think most of us can spot, but the real posts about improvement and triumph.
There just seems to be such a positive culture that surrounds fastpitch. For the most part people around the sport are very supportive of each other and their teams. Even when they sit in opposite dugouts.

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