kudos to all those bucket moms/dads out there

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Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
I'll add that I also sit side-saddle and insist on clear communication when running through pitches. I remember one evening when the light was dwindling and DD wanted to throw a few more. I was kind of rushed, distracted and thought she was throwing a change... I got my glove up just in time to deflect one coming right at my face!
May 27, 2013
Love catching dd. It gives me much more appreciation for the hard work she puts in being on the receiving end of that effort and "feeling" the improvement over the past couple of years. I used to do the bucket (bona fide bucket mom), but then moved to catcher's position. Was a pitcher and catcher in HS, so gives me a little taste of nostalgia from time to time.
Jan 31, 2014
North Carolina
I'll add that I also sit side-saddle and insist on clear communication when running through pitches. I remember one evening when the light was dwindling and DD wanted to throw a few more. I was kind of rushed, distracted and thought she was throwing a change... I got my glove up just in time to deflect one coming right at my face!

Yep. Been there, done that. That was my scariest moment over the years. Zinged one just past my left ear. I still wake up screaming at night!
Jul 14, 2010
I love catching my 14U DD. It was a sad day when my 18U gave up pitching, though it was for good reason. It's an hour or two per week that I can spend with her with no distractions. I have to say, it's getting harder as her speed climbs over 60 and the movement pitches really are moving now. I'm not getting any younger and my eyesight is not what it once was.

Funny story...many years ago I had to go away on business for a week and asked my father to catch my (then 10U) older daughter at her pitching class. He agreed and caught her pretty successfully for about 30 minutes. He then started goofing around, giving her "signs" without realizing that she would throw a different pitch if he did that. Long story short, she threw him a changeup that hit him square in the bridge of his nose. Much blood and a black eye later, he asked her why she threw a changeup.

"Well Grandpa, you gave me the deuce, so I threw it."

Thank God it was a changeup, anyway.

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