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Mar 26, 2013
All I’ve done is take what people have submitted, with absolutely no judgments. If the SoCal “big fish” don’t post the numbers, that’s one thing. But if their number don’t match up with some of the others, maybe they’re not such big fish after all. ;)
So, you're suggesting the SF Giants and Oakland A's MLB teams aren't better than their minor league teams "if their number don't match up" (sic). LOL

I did the same thing for baseball, and the same kind of comments were made, as though I was trying to provide some kind of national ranking system, which I’m absolutely not trying to do. But what I’ve done is the basis for any ranking system. The best ones also factor in other things like strength of schedule, but I don’t even want to get into that mess.
LOL What credible ranking system uses points/runs scored per game as the pimary criterion?

But back to your statement about big fish and ponds, what difference does it make? Why denigrate a team for the conference/league/division they play in? Is the best team in the weakest division not still worthy of praise? I’m pretty sure there’s 8 divisions in Ca because it wouldn’t be very smart or much fun for either team for a DVII school to play a bunch of DI schools.
Hmm, you recognize the level of competition is different, but not what difference it makes? :rolleyes:

When you find a way for EVERY team to play EVERY other team to determine which is the best team, let me know. Until then, all anyone can do is work with what’s available.
Being limited by what's available and trying to pass off a horribly flawed methodology as meaningful are two totally different things.

I was gonna generate an attachment that only shows Ca teams that played more than 20 games and scored more than 10 RPG. Maybe it would make you feel more proud since there’s all kinds of SoCal teams on it. But chances are, the truth is most of the teams that play very difficult schedules aren’t scoring a lot of runs, so instead I ran it to pull Ca teams that played more than 25 games and had a WPct of over .800. View attachment 6406
My previous post was based on which SoCal teams appeared on the list, not how many. This list is a definite improvement as all the finalists in the Southern Section Div-I and Div-II championships appear on it (i.e. Pacifica, King, Mission Viejo and Chino).
Sep 30, 2013
I'm far more interested in the Sabermetrics class - where, when, how much?

It was offered by Boston U. It was 6 weeks long about 2 months ago. It was free.

More importantly, it was a great deal of fun! Having poor math skills, I had some problems, but I got through it.
Sep 30, 2013
SoCal_Dad said:
So, you're suggesting the SF Giants and Oakland A's MLB teams aren't better than their minor league teams "if their number don't match up" (sic). LOL

I’m suggesting absolutely nothing.

LOL What credible ranking system uses points/runs scored per game as the pimary criterion?

Obviously you know much more about it than I, so there’s no need for me to respond.

Hmm, you recognize the level of competition is different, but not what difference it makes?

Because I don’t try to use the numbers for anything other than entertainment.

Being limited by what's available and trying to pass off a horribly flawed methodology as meaningful are two totally different things.

Again, you’re obviously the expert, so there’s no reason to respond.

My previous post was based on which SoCal teams appeared on the list, not how many. This list is a definite improvement as all the finalists in the Southern Section Div-I and Div-II championships appear on it (i.e. Pacifica, King, Mission Viejo and Chino).

You’re trying to make something out of what I posted that was never intended. I noted the limitations, every time I posted an attachment. If you want rankings, go look them up in any of a dozen different places. I just tried to gather up some otherwise unavailable numbers to see if I could use them in a totally unrelated project. You obviously are the expert in Sabermetrics, national rankings, and everything else having to do with either baseball or softball, so why don’t you do what I did and see what you come up with.

I couldn’t even put schools in different divisions because ever state has different criteria of divisions, if they even have them, which at least 2 don’t. So how in the heck is it possible to even come close to comparing teams? But you know everything, so have at Mr. Expurt. Let me know when you post your national numbers so I can see how they SHOULD be done.
Sep 30, 2013
Still fine tuning the data and looking to see what’s there. This latest way of looking at them breaks each state down by looking at the number of teams that played the same number of games. Doing it this way allows the observer to see which states aren’t submitting game data and which are. FI, only 6 HSSB teams in all of AZ have put in data for less than 10 games, while in states like CO and GA, very few teams are submitting much data at all.

This is only a guess, but I’m thinking states like that are using some local service like a newspaper, or maybe they just don’t want to do it. In baseball, both CO and GA post a lot of information, but then again in baseball there are a lot of people who believe ML scouts are looking at that stuff to help them find potential draftees, and college scouts looking for scholarship players. I don’t know how true that is, but somebody’s looking. ;)

Anyhoo, if you’re interested you can see the lists at these links.

For Baseball: http://www.infosports.com/scorekeeper/images/estimators05bb.pdf
For Softball: http://www.infosports.com/scorekeeper/images/estimators05sb.pdf

It’s really hard to know what’s true and what’s not when doing things like this because in both HSBB and HSSB there’s a lot of travel/tournament/select/showcase teams out there, and many of those teams play more games for those teams than the local HS teams play. Then you have a state like Ca where there are rules about playing on other teams during the HS BB/SB season while some other states have no such rules. IOW, it’s really tough to do a lot more with the numbers than throw them out there for people who are at least vaguely familiar with the teams to enjoy.

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