How to say 'No Thank You'...what you really mean is JUST STOP!

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May 23, 2015
I think it was Pattar who offered effective communications tips in another thread. Write a message on a postie, rubber band it to a water bottle then lob (or rifle if the message has exclamation points) it into the dugout.

I've applied this method to other aspects of my life including the workplace. It seems to work.
Jun 8, 2016
I think it was Pattar who offered effective communications tips in another thread. Write a message on a postie, rubber band it to a water bottle then lob (or rifle if the message has exclamation points) it into the dugout.

I've applied this method to other aspects of my life including the workplace. It seems to work.
I think you are confusing this with my advice about how to accidentally (I swear I meant to hit the fence..really) get kicked out of a USSSA Nationals tournament (minus the note..wasn't needed)..understandable. Then again I give so much great advice around here I may have extended my USSSA experience to this situation and forgotten all about it.. :LOL:

On a serious note, my thick head has just come to realization that this incident upset my DD a lot so my days of throwing anything are over so you guys will have to get your "inspiration" elsewhere from now on..
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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
I think it was Pattar who offered effective communications tips in another thread. Write a message on a postie, rubber band it to a water bottle then lob (or rifle if the message has exclamation points) it into the dugout.

I've applied this method to other aspects of my life including the workplace. It seems to work.
Rubber band around a water bottle instead of a brick may be disguised attempt to a kind gesture. ? "Let me buy you a drink"
Lol maybe we should take a poll.
Would you rather be confronted by a human talking or a flying message?
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Mar 28, 2014
There are obviously some people in this thread that have not discovered that the sweet nectar of the gods is sold in tiny airplane bottles and can easily be carried in one's pockets. A few sips of a doctored concession stand coke will replace all of your softball anger with thoughts of the simpler things in life like where lunch or dinner is going to be.
Jun 8, 2016
There are obviously some people in this thread that have not discovered that the sweet nectar of the gods is sold in tiny airplane bottles and can easily be carried in one's pockets. A few sips of a doctored concession stand coke will replace all of your softball anger with thoughts of the simpler things in life like where lunch or dinner is going to be.
5 YO DS: "Why did Daddy just fall out of his chair?"
DW: "Oh he is just trying to relax.."
5 YO DS: "Is talking to the grass helping him do that?"

May 7, 2015
You like your team.
They like you.
But theres that one Coach who hen pecks the snot out of your dd repeatedly about something. Something little.
Maybe its a hitting, or throwing thing, whatever.
But its relentless picking!
Cant attend without that annoying voice in your dd's face harping on that one thing.
Its at the point something needs to be said.
Its been 2~3 months, cant take it...gotta say something... The coach has no clue of the uncomfortable situation they have caused.

How do you say 'No Thank You' ( Just Stop )

Is there a specific age group you have in mind? Certainly there's a different response for 8u as there is for 16/18u?


All I know is I don't know
Jan 13, 2020
Attended a seminar about self-esteem during a large company lay-off. We adults were asked to remember what someone said that hurt our feelings. Each one of the 30+ attendees wrote down something an authority figure had said to them when they were a child.

Edit: So knock it off coaches!
Jul 16, 2013
I think it depends on the situation and the willingness of the coach to change.

If the coach knows that the comments are hurtful to the player, he/she shouldn't be involved in youth sports. At a certain age, some comments are made in the hopes of motivation, but typically that method is not as popular or effective as it was 20 or 30 years ago.

In some cases the coach would appreciate a head's up and may be willing to change. At 14u we added a new player to our team. At the first couple of practices I addressed the new girl by calling her by her actual name. After one of the practices, her mom walked up to me and asked if I could address her by her nickname instead. Apparently she preferred using her nickname on the field. I had no idea, but I gladly and immediately adjusted my behavior.

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